Thursday, March 25, 2010

BloggeRhythms 3/25/2010

I spoke to a friend today, just to say "hello" because we haven't talked in a while. During the conversation, he mentioned that he reads my blog pretty regularly and, in fact, was curious to find out if anything further had occurred after my recent "incident" in a local tavern. I'd written about the incident itself on these pages a couple of days ago.

I'm bringing the point up now not because I have anything further to report on the incident in question, but because, evidently, people are actually reading what I write. And that certainly puts a whole new slant on my entries. It seems I now have a real responsibility, and parties whom are waiting for what words of interest will be found here when they log in. While that's flattering, to be sure, the pressure upon me is now huge. I've graduated from itinerant typist to responsible journalist, resultant of one phone call.

That gives me an "either or" to consider. Do I spend serious time insuring that my blog entries are of significant value, or, do I stop talking to people on the phone? I guess I'll have to ponder that one for a while.

As far as what's on my mind today, naturally there's the same old primary subject: publication of a new book. In that regard, believe it or not, today I made some progress. It's not in bookstores yet, but as far as things go now, I'm closer than I've ever been.

That leaves me with only one other issue for today, health care of course. And, once again I don't want to go into the plan itself, what's been done or how it's been handled. Those are political and business issues and, as far as I'm concerned, are being discussed in depth in many other places. For me, it's not health care that's the point, but more about how politicos handle everything. Apparently Mr. Obama was asked on a program this morning: "Mr. President, will you and your family give up your current health care program and join the new 'Universal Health Care Program' that the rest of us will be on?"

Well, it seems, Mr. Obama never answered the question. He simply changed the subject and moved on. Now, because of the brushoff, people are focused on the President's action, news shows are making noise, hostile emails are shooting back and forth across the country and many people appear to be upset.

As I understand the situation, and I could be wrong, but the Constitution clearly states that Senators or Representatives, and Congress must be treated equally under the law as any other citizen of the United States. Thus, the issue should simply be settled routinely as part of the institution of the bill, or if not, will wind up in the courts. So then, if that's the case, why not just say so instead of being evasive or non-committal? Doesn't seem to make a lot of sense to me to do otherwise.

But, that's politicians. If they were capable of making sense, they'd probably go out and get real jobs.

That's it for today folks.


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