Monday, May 8, 2017


Today’s news produced several story’s from various sources which when combined reveal a totally different Democrat party than that presented by the mainstream media. Instead of a cohesive group with common interests, one finds a splintered array of dissenters whose significant, and perhaps only, commonality is a hatred for all Republicans and the new POTUS in particular.     

Among other traits, one characteristic of the left seems to be the lacking of any sense of humor, illustrated by Pam Key who wrote: “On this weekend’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday,” while discussing both Stephen Colbert‘s and Jimmy Kimmel’s political monologues, former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich called Hollywood “enraged” and added “that they can’t be funny” because of it.

Gingrich said, “The problem you have with humor in America today is that Hollywood is so enraged at Donald Trump that they can’t be funny. All they’ve got is pure anger. And that’s what’s coming out in this stuff. They think it must be funny because they’re called comedians, so they exhibit their anger, as almost a pathology, on late-night television, and you are supposed to laugh because after all, they are comedians. They ain’t funny ’cause they’re too angry to be funny.”

Gingrich’s observation was confirmed by the vast majority of readers, such as Hadenough, who commented: “People are making a decision not to watch shows or movies based on celebrities behavior.

“It will most likely destroy Hollywood, which is a good thing, since there is no way they should qualify for the money they receive, for their lack of skills.”

77 others “liked” the posting. 

Hami Shearlie commented: “That is true - I won't watch Hanks or Affleck or Streep or Le Boeuf (he is insane) or many others now, and I won't listen to Streisand or Cher or Springsteen anymore - and I'm not even American - these people really believe that their judgement on politics is SO much more valid than the American Peoples is apparently!!! They forget where their fat pay checks come from - alienating half the population, many of them the wealthy, is pretty dumb! Kelloggs found that out! Message to Hollywood - arrogance will see you all cut down to where you belong!” 

Farther along was an interesting interchange showing reader's awareness of the lack of talent among today’s politically motivated celebrities.  

This Bull Rocks commented: “Rodney DaNGERFIELD - one of my favorites - i still remember a joke he told 

“if it wasn't for pick pockets I wouldn't have a sex life LOL - RIP Rodney.”

Hami Shearlie replied again: “The last was the late great Don Rickles!”

Buster Hami added: “Go to you tube, watch Buddy Hackett tell story jokes. Rickles was king of insults, though.” 

John Smith included George Carlin, while Donna MacLeod posted that: “I grew up listening to those real comedians.”

After which deadtiredoftheLeft added Robin Williams.

The preceding reader’s commentary's show togetherness among many finding fault with mainstream media’s premise of leftist celebrities positive influence upon the American public. At the same time, however, another example was found of reader opinions regarding leftist leadership.       

According to  a news posting on Facebook this morning, a young member of the Kennedy family, “Joe Kennedy III (D – Massachusetts) has burst into the political limelight, and  in doing so he has become one of the most vocal critics of the new American Health Care Act (Trump Care), and emerged as a major political enemy to President Trump.”

As of the moment, the posting had received 8700 “Likes” from readers. 

And then, farther along Heritage Action for America posted photographs of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher with no other material text. 

1,668,461 people registered  “Likes, “ which speaks for itself.

And then, in furtherance of today’s premise regarding leftist malaise, Trent Baker writes “Saturday, on the Fox News Channel’s “Justice,” counselor to President Trump Kellyanne Conway weighed in on former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s recent reemergence, saying it shows the Democratic Party has “no game.”

Host Jeanine Pirro then asked who the Democratic leader was, to which Conway replied, “Is it Tom Perez, who bears the title of DNC Chair? Is it [Senator] Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who’s out there with his supporters booing Tom Perez? Is it Hillary Clinton, who won’t go away and saying she’s going to start a political action committee, as if people want her to revisit the campaign?” 

Conway then presented a confirming summation of today’s premise shown at the outset above:

“The Democratic Party, as far as I can see, Jeanine, is just this collection of ad hoc protesters. … There’s no cohesive or coherent message. There’s no true leader.” 

What’s also of considerable interest to note about the Democrat party is that, having no cohesive or coherent message is apparently causing a loss of interest among their supporters. And even their decision to make an anti-Trump message their only platform, not only hasn’t helped their cause, but is forcing them to pay for help as well.     

Adelle Nazarian reports “Despite the left’s attempt to deny it, some anti-Trump protesters are indeed paid to show up — including those from a growing number of tech companies who are paying their employees to participate in anti-Trump rallies. 

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on Saturday, in an article titled “Bay Area demonstrators may be paid to protest, by employers,” that the “common accusation lobbed at liberal protesters” that “they’re being paid to protest” is at least partially based in fact.”

The lack of motivation toward Democrat politicians among the populace is such that: “Adam Kleinberg, CEO of San Francisco marketing firm Traction, reportedly allows employees two paid “Days of Action” to participate in political rallies and protests annually.

“It’s not sufficient anymore to say we’re a profit engine and we’re making money and screw everything else. It’s part of our responsibility to be engaged, to be active,” William Morgan, CEO and founder of cloud-infrastructure startup Buoyant, told the Chronicle. His company reportedly offers about three to four weeks of paid time off to its workers, who are able to use the time for political activity or vacations. “We as individuals, we as companies exist in an ecosystem. We’re only here because there’s this environment around us. It can’t just be a one-way relationship.” 

“The Chronicle notes that while the majority of these companies are on the smaller side, and tend to have more liberal workforces, larger companies like Facebook are looking to entertain similar policies. They reportedly told employees that they could use paid leave time to attend and participate in pro-immigrant May Day demonstrations.” 

All of which combines to suggest that while business owners may desire “liberal” workforces comprised of more affordable laborers, employees themselves seek greater 
economic opportunities. So, while there may be an apparent amount of support at rallies and protests from paid for participants, results from actual elections derive an entirely different result, regardless. 

That’s it for today folks. 


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