Thursday, May 18, 2017


As mentioned several times in the past few days, while the Trump/Russia accusations from the left amass, most of those who voted for him have no interest in the subject with others now showing signs of hostile retaliation. 

The anger stems from frustration with Democrat zealots who simply won’t accept their party’s losses. To the extent that they create malicious fabrications which are readily supported by their allies in the mainstream media.   

Concerns about how damaging the Democrat efforts might become were addressed in an article yesterday by Dick Morris, titled: “Special Prosecutor For Trump/Russia Investigation Is A Disaster”

Morris writes: "The Trump Administration may never recover from the decision of Deputy Attorney General Rob Rosenstein to cave into Democratic pressure and appoint a special prosecutor to investigate the totally fictitious “scandal” of Trump’s relationship with Putin.

“The prosecutor, hired to investigate something that never happened, will not report Trump’s innocence. Special prosecutors never do. They justify their own existence, importance, budget, and staff by finding something to prosecute. Usually the “crime” they end up going after is one that his own investigation has created. 

“Remember the Valerie Plame affair? After years of work the special prosecutor found that no crime had occurred. The person who leaked her link to the CIA was authorized to do so. With no crime to come up with, Patrick Fitzgerald, the prosecutor, indicted poor Scooter Libby, an aide to VP Dick Cheney, for perjury, a crime that would never have taken place had there been no investigation. 

“That’s how special prosecutors work.” 

While Morris's fears might be extreme, Pat Buchanan remains concerned but doesn’t believe the situation will rise to the level of a scandal such as Watergate.   

According to Alex Pfeiffer “Pat Buchanan says the nonstop uproar following Trump’s firing of former FBI director James Comey is not comparable to Watergate, but he does wonder if the Trump presidency can function with this level of drama.” 

In the interview, Pfeiffer said: “You wrote on Monday that the firing of Comey is nothing like Watergate. Do you still think these comparisons are overblown in light of Tuesday’s New York Times report?” 

Buchanan's answer echoed most other rational columnists, pointing out the absence of any evidence against the POTUS: “I do. We haven’t got a single crime yet or a single indictment yet. By the time of the Saturday Night Massacre — in the middle of the Watergate scandal which lasted 18 months — you had people convicted and imprisoned, you had others who were on trial or facing indictment, you had others who had lawyered up and whose names had been dropped, you had congressional hearings, you had universal cries in the House for impeachment, and the White House was clearly deep in a crisis.” 

And it’s at the end of this article that the public expresses its thoughts, the vast majority of them not only demonstrating keen awareness, but indicating a festering need for retaliation against the left and MSM.   

Raymond ✓ᴺᵃᵗᶦᵒᶰᵃˡᶦˢᵗ wrote: “I find it odd that that Democrats scream about Trump's "Russian" involvement and alleged "Russian" interference in the 2016 Presidential Election. This is the same political party that had to cheat one of their own (specifically Bernie Sanders) just so Hillary Clinton could get the Democratic Nomination for President. This is also the same political party that turned a blind eye when Hillary Clinton (while she was United States Secretary of State) approved the Uranium One deal where a Russian Company gained control of 20% of United States uranium reserves and where Bill Clinton bagged $500,000 for a Moscow speech paid for by a Kremlin-backed bank while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. I just love the hypocrisy.” 

Molon Labe took a more threatening tack: “The masses that voted for Trump can only sustain the continuous barrage of vitriol and lies from the MSM and DC swamp. Sooner or later people are going to be so fed up that they will take up arms against those that keep hammering their beliefs via the President. 

“Message to the MSM - Please do not test our patience, it's running thin.” 

Tim Molon wrote: ‘The MSM will hang from the very gallows that they are building for our President Trump. 

hydrangea wrote: “If Donald Trump is impeached by these filthy b a s t a r d s, there will be civil war. Conservatives have had enough of this.” 

Old Hickory wrote: “Comey told the Senate on May 3rd that there is NO political interference in FBI investigations: "It's not happened in my experience." So did he lie under oath or lie to his diary? 

Dingo wrote: “That's why everything is rumor with no sources. They have nothing, are lying outright and want to avoid prosecution for perjury and being sued for libel.” 

Anime wrote: “Time to pass laws that allow us to lock up the libelous propagandists trying to undermine the country by lying to the people and OBSTRUCTING JUSTICE or acting as an accessory after-the-fact by covering up for Hillary and the establishment. 

“We need "labor" camps for the media.” 

laurie66bay wrote: “The left in this country, from the streetlevel thugs in antifa, to the well paid elites occupying our media have declared war on our freely elected government and are advancing toward a coup, violence ratchets up every day from the left. 

“Patriots have to prepare to defend the constitution and our free government. The left will not stop until there is blood in the streets. We better make sure its theirs, or else it will be ours.

PrideGoeth wrote: “They've declared war on the people.”

While considerable numbers of the voting public displayed discontent with the leftist agenda, an insider’s take came from Robert Charles, former assistant secretary of state for President George W. Bush. A former naval intelligence officer and litigator, he served in the Reagan and Bush 41 White Houses.   

After Mr. Charles presented nine reasons which he believes demonstrate that the assignment of a Special Prosecutor will ultimately arrive at the truth, he closes his article with the following:   

“Finally, America should take a deep breath for another reason.  This was a decision that many called for and few expected; a moment of choice based on moral goodness and taking a step beyond what was necessary, into what was simply good for the country.  If the investigation finds something, so be it.  If it finds no material collusion, which is what I personally expect it will find, the nation is again stronger for having asked.”

While an experienced litigator, such as Mr. Charles feels that an investigation will clear the air for Trump, Rush once again brought the political realities of the situation to light, as reported by Pam Key yesterday: 

“According to Limbaugh, Obama had the FBI back off of an investigation into Hillary Clinton. 

“In fact, the Obama situation is actually worse. While Trump indicated he didn’t want Flynn charged, he did not order the case dropped, because it’s still going on. Trump indicated that he wanted Flynn not to be charged, but he did not order the case to be dropped. And the case continues. Grand juries have been impaneled now. In contrast, the FBI and the Department of Justice dropped the Hillary investigation just as Obama wanted them to, and they used exactly the rationales Obama used when he made his public statements. 

“Well, Obama, was saying there was no intent to harm the U.S., the degree of classified emails that Mrs. Clinton was trafficking in is very exaggerated. Obama went public with all this! He went public with his own exoneration and thought that the investigation should be brought to a screeching halt. And it was! Comey got together and they stopped the investigation, and that allowed them and Hillary — for the rest of the campaign — to say she had been cleared. That’s why they got so mad at Comey when he did the July 5th press conference, because back in April, Obama thought he’d taken care of this.” 

However, although the facts of the case will more than likely ultimately absolve Trump from any illegalities, even knowledgeable Democrats recognize the futility of pursuing the matter as is being done now.   

Harvard Law School Professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz wrote in the New York Daily News that “on balance, the obstruction case against President Trump is not strong, as a matter of law”: 

He also appeared on CNN Wednesday and said: “nobody will ever indict the sitting president for obstruction of justice.” 

Which puts the left in a significant quandary, because who are they to believe about pursuing Trump under the law, Harvard Professor Dershowitz or Maxine Waters? 

That’s it for today folks. 


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