Sunday, May 21, 2017


Today’s one where the new POTUS delivered a speech adding significant evidence illustrating that the nation now has a leader after eight years without one. Most importantly, the point was proven in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam and home to several of the religion’s holiest sites. Those in attendance were a rare gathering of leaders of about 50 Muslim nations at the Arab Islamic American Summit.

In his delivery, the POTUS wanted to establish clearly that the speech was starkly and deliberately different from the address Obama delivered to the Muslim world in Cairo in 2009.

Those differences were analyzed by Joel B. Pollak, who wrote:

“Obama began his address by focusing on western guilt:
“More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations. Moreover, the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam.
“In contrast, Trump began by declaring that “Muslim countries must take the lead in combating radicalization. He said that he was not there to lecture to others about how to worship, but to call for unity “in pursuing the one goal: … to conquer extremism and vanquish the forces that terrorism brings with it every single time,” singling out “young Muslim men and women.” 

While Obama also emphasized that many of the victims of groups like Al Qaeda were Muslim, Trump “did not shy away from the link to Islam, whereas Obama sought to absolve Islam itself of any link with terrorism.” 

Obama said: “Islam is not part of the problem in combating violent extremism – it is an important part of promoting peace.” Obama never even used the word “terror.” He simply referred to “violence against civilians” by “extremists,” whom he never connected directly to Islam. 

“In contrast, Trump told the gathering in Saudi Arabia to “[d]rive them [terrorists] out from your places of worship,” and exhorted the nations present to make sure “terrorists find no sanctuary on their soil.” 

“Obama defended America to the Muslim world by emphasizing America’s connection to Islam — almost describing the U.S. as a Muslim nation itself. “[L]et there be no doubt: Islam is a part of America,” Obama declared. He cited exaggerated population figures for Muslims in the U.S.: “nearly seven million American Muslims in our country today,” he claimed. 

“Trump, in contrast, praised the achievements of the Arab and Muslim world in the region itself, but did not try to remake America in Islam’s image. Trump also spoke in a forthright manner about the persecution of Jews, whereas Obama irritated Israelis by claiming Israel was created because of the Holocaust.” 

Within the speech itself, another critically important point addressed the POTUS’s expectation that the nation’s involved would carry individual responsibility as opposed to total reliance on the U.S.. Trump said: “We are not here to lecture. We are not here to tell other people how to live, what to do, who to be or how to worship. Instead, we are here to offer partnership, based on shared interests and values.”

And then, while the POTUS was reestablishing U.S. relationships in the Middle-East, Allan Dershowitz came to Trump’s side again, believing James Comey is merely interested in preserving his reputation, not the merits of the case which, according to Dershowitz, are doubtful at best. 

Ian Hanchett reports “On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz stated that former FBI Director James Comey is “all about preserving his reputation” and said Comey is “using his friends to get his point out. It’s cowardly.”

Dershowitz said that he’s always liked Comey, but Comey has been “using his friends to get his point out. It’s cowardly. And I think it’s about time that Comey is confronted directly with cross-examination. He was a great director of the FBI, but when the whole Hillary Clinton thing began, he cared more about his reputation and his dignity than about what was good for America.”

“Dershowitz concluded that the Russia investigation should be handled by an independent commission, not a special counsel, “because I don’t see any crimes. Let’s take the worst-case scenario, let’s assume that Trump–which it didn’t happen–the Trump campaign got together with the Russians and said, let’s make Trump president because he’s better than Hillary Clinton. Terrible politically, what’s the crime? … Or he leaks material–he shouldn’t have–to the Russians about the Israeli spy. Terrible, he shouldn’t have done it. … But there’s no crime.”

Thus, what’s most important here is who it is that’s coming to Trump’s defense again, whereas Dershowitz is a prominent scholar on constitutional law and criminal law, a leading defender of civil liberties and well known as a liberal author. And if he so readily recognizes that the Russian investigation’s merely a political ploy, it’s a virtual certainty that there’s no case here against Trump whatsoever.

That’s it for today folks.


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