Friday, May 12, 2017


If one were to simply obtain their news from the mainstream media, they would no doubt think that the only thing going on in the Trump administration is dealing with the ramifications of the Comey dismissal. However, while those on the left are running in the same monotonous circles and chasing their tails like hamsters in wheels, critically important fulfillment's of campaign promises are taking place in key departments of government.    
Today Fox News' Jake Gibson and The Associated Press reported about the “Sessions Memo,” in which 94 U.S. attorneys were instructed to “charge and pursue the most serious and readily provable offense.”

The objective is to undo the Obama/Holder “Smart on Crime” drug sentencing policy that focused on not incarcerating people who committed low level non-violent crimes. 

“The Obama administration used the “Smart on Crime” policy to combat what they believed was a high number of prosecutions of non-violent drug offenders. DOJ officials call it a “false narrative” and say unless a gun is involved, most of those cases aren’t charged period.” 

While these cases often carry the longest sentences, the “memo also brings back into effect mandatory minimum sentences, which are expected to increase prosecutions and the prison population.” 

“Officials say Holder’s “Smart on Crime” policy “convoluted the process,” and left prosecutors applying the law unevenly, which they said “is not Justice.” 

“Critics of the shift say it will revive the worst aspects of the drug war. But [Attorney General Jeff] Sessions has said a spike in violence in some big cities shows the need for a return to tougher tactics. 

Readers too, agree with the Sessions assessment, such as FaithAlways247, who commented: “I couldn't agree more! I have family in CA that have witnessed crime INCREASE since they lessened sentencing and released prisoners early.” 

reaganite1980 added: “You can keep your same doctor. 

“Your premiums will not increase. 

“You can keep your same plan. 

“Let's give Russia a truckload of uranium (thanks, Hilldawg) 

“Let's give Iran a truckload of money (thanks, Barry) 

“Here, Iran, have a truckload of uranium (thanks Putin...BTW...where did you get all that extra uranium? lol) 

“Oooops, I'm sorry, were we supposed to be trashing Trump?” 

Maha 51 wrote: “Holder appeared to have one significant element to his agenda--to reduce sentencing for black perps. This was obvious on one of his first derilections of duty--when he refused to prosecute the Black Panthers.” 

Moving on to the Comey subject, Rush again added perspective to the dismissal, expanding on the how the situation’s currently causing substantial confusion among leading Democrats, who in turn are perplexing their constituents regarding how to react.    

Rush: “The Democrat Party has once again thrown Hillary Clinton overboard. Hillary Clinton is the most cheated-on woman in America by people in her own party, and it’s happened again. The Democrat Party and the media have made it clear that she is fodder. She is irrelevant here. Two days ago, they were all talking about how Comey needs to be fired because of how he was mistreating Hillary, and the Hillary people were running around claiming that Comey’s a bad guy. And now Comey gets fired, and all of a sudden they do a 180.” 

Rush then referenced CBS’ The Late Show host, Stephen Colbert, who seemed surprised when he got cheers instead of boos upon referencing Comey’s firing. Rush said: ‘”His audience practically gave it a standing O, and Colbert didn’t know what to do. The audience, which is indicative of liberals and leftists all over the country, thought it was the greatest thing they could have heard because that’s what they’ve been conditioned to do: hate Comey. They have been told that Comey stole the election from them by dumping all over Hillary. They’ve been told that Comey showed all kinds of favoritism to Trump, so they have been conditioned to literally hate Comey.” 

As his audience kept on cheering, Colbert said, “Wow, wow. Huge, huge, Donald Trump fans here tonight.” About which Rush explained: “The audience was totally taken aback. They are insulted. They were called Trump fans! They’re not Trump fans. They’re liberal Democrats. They can’t keep up with whether they’re supposed to hate Comey. They don’t know who they’re supposed to hate.” 

Rush then added: “I have been following politics, honestly, since I was 10. I have seen unhinged behavior. I have seen the wild allegations that Democrats make and repeated. I have never seen this degree of collective insanity. I have never seen this degree of so many people literally being out of touch, devoid reality, and unhinged.” 

And then, in a separate instance yesterday, while discussing some sound bites from an interview that NBC News' Lester Holt secured with Trump, Rush delivered an insightful depiction of what the MSM will now do. 

Rush: “They’ll talk to people who have some connection to somebody who knows Comey who will say, “That’s not the way the director operated! That would be very, very unusual.” So they’ll do anything they can to cast aspersions on this. Because, remember, it’s personal. Trump’s a pig, and he’s got to go. This that we’re watching is character assassination, career assassination. This is what the left does. When they can’t beat people at ballot boxes, when they can’t beat people in the arena of ideas, this is exactly what they do. I just wish everybody could learn from this.” 

A reader, Alyce Collins, picked up on Rush’s theme and in her response illustrates clearly that much of Middle-America is keenly aware of what transpires around them in political theater. And also that they certainly aren’t buying what the MSM is constantly selling them. 

Ms Collins wrote: “Oh, Rush, believe me - there are a lot of us "uneducated, simple- minded, regular deplorable" Americans out here in flyover country who know exactly what the lefty media and their lib followers are doing.....thanks Rush!!!” 

After which, reader John McIntosh posted a brilliant suggestion: “We need another show like the Apprentice. We can call it the Congress. Each week give Congress a goal to accomplish and at the end of the week fire the ones that did the least to help their team. YOU'RE FIRED CHUCK!” 

All of which once again brings a repeating thought to mind regarding leftist leadership and its seeming incapability or refusal to accept that today’s voters obtain their input from a wide variety of resources other than the mainstream media. They’re also far too well-informed to simply accept the words of biased politicians of any stripe. And because of their increased awareness of what goes on around them, they demand proof of performance, not just innuendo and empty rhetoric.  

Along those the lines of what the leftist mantras now become, a friend posted this one on Facebook this morning: “President Trump discovers a cure for cancer....Democrats claim he is trying to put Dr's out of business.”

That’s it for today folks.


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