Finding much of today’s news concerns repetitive story’s regarding the
ongoing North Korean nuclear threat along with pro and con articles
concerning the Comey firing, led to a search for other topics. One of those
found is from Alex Pfeiffer who wrote about
Conservative author Ann Coulter whom he says “was one of the most vocal
supporters of Donald Trump during the presidential campaign.”
“She wrote “In Trump We Trust” and proclaimed that she worships him like the
“people of North Korea worship their Dear Leader – blind loyalty.”
“Coulter described herself as a single-issue voter during the election and
was drawn to Trump due to his “Mexican rapist speech” and him calling for a
border wall to be built.”
Then in an interview Sunday with The Daily Caller, Coulter indicated
she still had “hope” in Trump but was ready to jump ship, saying: “Uhhhh. I’m
not very happy with what has happened so far. I guess we have to try to push him
to keep his promises. But this isn’t North Korea, and if he doesn’t keep his
promises I’m out. This is why we voted for him. I think everyone who voted for
him knew his personality was grotesque, it was the issues.
“I hate to say it, but I agree with every line in my friend Frank Bruni’s
op-ed in The New York Times today. Where is the great negotiation? Where is the
bull in the china shop we wanted? That budget the Republicans pushed through was
like a practical joke… Did we win anything? And this is the great negotiator?
Reading her commentary on the POTUS’s performance to date, stirred the
realization that although her name’s quite familiar, knowing nothing at all about her myself led to some further research.
According to Wikipedia: “After law school, Coulter served as a law
clerk, in Kansas City, for Pasco Bowman II of the United States Court of Appeals
for the Eighth Circuit. After a short time working in New York City in private
practice, where she specialized in corporate law, Coulter left to work for the
United States Senate Judiciary Committee after the Republican Party took control
of Congress in 1994. She handled crime and immigration issues for Senator
Spencer Abraham of Michigan and helped craft legislation designed to expedite
the deportation of aliens convicted of felonies. She later became a
litigator with the Center for Individual Rights.”
As far as elected positions are concerned: “In 2000, Coulter considered
running for Congress in Connecticut on the Libertarian Party ticket to serve as
a spoiler in order to throw the seat to the Democratic candidate and see that
Republican Congressman Christopher Shays failed to gain re-election, as a
punishment for Shays' vote against Clinton's impeachment.”
However: “The leadership of the Libertarian Party of Connecticut, after
meeting with Coulter, declined to endorse her. As a result, her self-described
"total sham, media-intensive, third-party Jesse Ventura campaign" did not take
place. Shays subsequently won the election, and held the seat until 2008.”
Her major career highlight is the “publication of twelve books, as well as
the weekly syndicated newspaper column that she publishes. She is particularly
known for her polemical style, and describes herself as someone who likes to
"stir up the pot. I don’t pretend to be impartial or balanced, as broadcasters
Many of her books have appeared on The New York Times Best Seller
list, with a combined 3 million copies sold as of May 2009 and her biographical
description lists her occupation as: “Author, columnist, political commentator.”
Thus, it seems that when it comes to winning elective office Coulter’s another Monday-morning quarterback who never actually
suited up and played herself. Yet, she still critiques others although having no
similar experience, or track record of her own.
After having reached the only sensible conclusion regarding her commentary,
which was to write it off as valueless in view of her own lack of first-hand,
similar presidential experience, it was found that the vast majority of readers
reached similar conclusions.
Julie commented: “I do not agree with Ann. I have faith in Trump.
“And by the way, I like Trump's personality. He is a fighter and doesn't put
up with bull. That was a low blow.
“He has done a lot of good things. I am not happy with all but that would be
unrealistic. Ryan and McConnell are the real people against him.”
295 others agreed.
Laurelfork wrote: “The powers that be wouldn't be after him like
they are if he was appeasing them, he has the establishment and the flag burning
American hating commie perverts pants in a wad.”
151 others agreed
babiezgcsb wrote: “Exactly. It's too early to judge but I think this
is going quite well. I mean, it's not like Trump is going down to the border and
start building the wall with his family. He is up against A LOT of Republicans
“Now, the reason for that may not be may be because they are
owned...or blackmailed.”
145 others agreed.
John (magnum) wrote: “I am as Conservative as they come, and I am
getting tired of Ann Coulter's mouth !
“It takes time to drain the swamp when it has been infested for so long !”
147 others agreed.
adam wrote: “If all we get out of 4 years is one conservative
supreme court justice and a bunch of conservative judges at the federal level
compared to what would have been appointed its a win. There is still 95% of his
presidency left I think he will do a ton.
Guy Christopher wrote: “Coulter backed loser Chris Christie, backed
loser Romney. Finally she backs a winner and can't tell the difference. She's as
out of touch with flyover as is Congress and the rest of the Beltway. She was
right--Trump is the last hope. Now considering throwing away my Ann Coulter
Bobble Head.”
notoriousBLOG wrote: “She is only in it to sell books and speaking
“Trump walked into one of the most hostile environments in the world four
months ago, there hasn't even been time for him to find out where all the hidden
bugs are, much less who he can trust to help him.”
140 others agreed.
Having posted the well-thought-out responses from a representative group of
politically astute readers, the plan at this point was to organize some points to round out the discovery that Coulter was primarily a self-promotional empty dress.
And then a quick look back at the article revealed that another
reader, generationimmigrant, did it for me, as follows:
“It is hard to believe Ann Coulter and some of the comments think Rome can be
built in four months! We have an entrenched and greedy government. Everyone,
many there against Trump. Give the guy a break. I think he would like to have
had more done but believe after each defeat he has to restrategize. My God he
really has done so much more than any other president would even think of doing.
Who would prioritize reducing/cutting regulations in the ferocious way he has?
What about directly dealing with China and making headway? I was disappointed in
the budget bill but I think Trump realizes he has to restrategize this fight and
September will be all out battle in Congress. How can anyone give up so easily,
And that says it all.
That’s it for today folks.
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