Saturday, January 9, 2016


According to this morning, the POTUS wants to accept at least 10,000 Syrian refugees into the U.S. in 2016. His decision stems from increasing international pressure for the U.S. to do more to shoulder the burden of the refugee crisis in countries like Lebanon and Jordan, and nations across Europe. 

On the other side, though, “U.S. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle have voiced concerns about whether the government can properly vet applicants, particularly from war-torn Syria where effective background checks are difficult to conduct.” 

At the same time, “officials at the state level also have tried to fight back against the administration’s plans, and revived their concerns after the two latest arrests.”

What’s most interesting here, is that when it comes to immigrants the POTUS is willing to accept significant risks, because he surely knows that the current system is unreliable and incapable of effectively insuring the proper screening of those flocking here now. Exposing the nation to dangers of all kinds. Yet, he employs everything in his power to disarm upstanding citizens of the Constitutional right to bear arms.

That’s very similar to the ancient Roman method of burying dissenters in the earth in the Coliseum arena up to their necks, and then releasing hungry lions to descend upon them. Stripping those who disagreed of any chance of protecting themselves against predators.  

On the other hand, however, his actions are taking huge tolls in the eyes of the public, intimating that there will be significant payback from voters in November.

Dana Blanton writes about a poll released Friday, showing considerable displeasure on a host of issues. 

“The the worst rating is on ISIS:  65 percent think the administration has mostly failed on dealing with the Islamic extremist group, while 23 percent say it has mostly succeeded.  

“In addition, 58 percent of voters feel the White House has mostly failed to make the country safer (34 percent say succeeded).  That’s a significant change from how voters felt the first time Fox News asked in June 2012.  At that time, 55 percent said mostly succeeded and 32 percent said mostly failed.  This is the only area that shows such a shift since 2012.” 

While more than 8 in 10 Republicans responded negatively on the issues tested and Democrats being mostly supportive, more than half of independents say Obama has mostly failed in each instance. 

On major issues, 26 percent of voters say the administration has mostly succeeded on handling illegal immigration, while 62 percent feel the opposite. 

By a 53-41 percent margin, voters say the administration has mostly failed on improving health care.  

On keeping his “most transparent administration ever” promise:  59 percent feel he’s “mostly failed” on running a transparent administration. 

Thirty-four percent think the White House has mostly succeeded on improving the country’s image, while 60 percent say mostly failed. 

Thirty-one percent say Obama has improved race relations, while 59 percent think he’s mostly failed on this too.  

The number feeling optimistic about the economy has dropped to 49 percent, down from 58 percent a year ago.  “And most voters, 76 percent, continue to rate economic conditions negatively (43 percent “only fair” and 33 percent “poor”.) 

“Only 28 percent would describe the country as “strong and confident” right now (71 percent disagree). 

“Currently, 42 of voters approve of the job Obama is doing as president, while 53 percent disapprove.  A year ago it was 42-52 percent.” That’s a huge drop from his highest job rating, coming in the weeks after his first inauguration: “65 percent approved and just 16 percent disapproved (January 2009).  Obama’s record low was 38 percent approval in September 2014. “ 

The poll itself, was based on “landline and cellphone interviews with 1,006 randomly chosen registered voters nationwide and was conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from January 4-7, 2016.  The full poll has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.” 

What the poll results clearly indicate is, that while the administration and the continually supportive major media, keep touting that major progress and greatly revised thinking is occurring due to the POTUS’s efforts toward socialism, the public clearly doesn’t agree with them. Thus, although he won’t be there to his party's losses across the board this coming November, he’ll surely be remembered as the cause.    

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife and another undercurrent developing.

A story reveals that: “[E]ight batches of Clinton emails released thus far by the State Department-- with an additional limited release expected later this week -- illustrate another priority during her years as Secretary of State: tending to wealthy supporters who backed her campaigns and family foundation.” 

While that kind of activity from Bill’s wife is no surprise at all, the latest email batch discloses specific detail about the party’s involved, as follows: 

“While handling diplomatic issues, she took time to meet with billionaire George Soros, now one of her presidential campaign's top donors. She gave briefings to mega-donor and Hollywood director Steven Spielberg, sent birthday wishes to billionaire Haim Saban, and lunched with supporter and philanthropist Jill Iscol. 

“After a day of meetings with the Czech, Tunisian and Pakistani foreign ministers, Clinton flew to New York for the birthday party of her friend Susie Tompkins Buell, co-founder of the clothing line Esprit who has given more than $400,000 to Bill and Hillary Clinton's campaigns. Hillary Clinton's chief of staff Cheryl MIlls helped Mack McLarty, once Bill Clinton chief of staff and now a major donor, get into a U.S.-China event where he could promote his business interests, another e-mail in the latest batch revealed.” 

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a conservative activist group that sued to obtain Clinton's records, said the emails offer "further confirmation that fundraising and politicking was something that was among her significant duties and responsibilities as she saw it. It comes up time and time again and she has a demonstrated record of providing access in exchange for campaign contributions." 

What’s most important here, is that there’s still almost a year until the presidential election, allowing plenty of time for rival Republicans to develop a strategy for employing the newly disclosed information to their advantage. Coupling that factor with the FBI’s ongoing investigation of the use of a private email server for these types of transactions and communications, doesn’t bode well for Bill’s wife’s political future either. 

Leading to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?    

That’s it for today folks.      


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