Thursday, January 14, 2016


There’s another Republican “debate” tonight. The roster includes eight candidates that have been clogging the media outlets 24, 7 for what seems like a couple of years by now. Which brings up the only real question left: Is there any voter in the nation who isn’t already totally familiar with everything anyone would want to know about all of these guys? So, what is there to debate about? 

On the other hand, one might also want to know where Trump, Carson, Cruz and Rubio are going to get the experience needed to successfully head the administration of the United States by election day. Not one of them has the slightest knowledge of governing anything, with their greatest skills being the ability to sling mud at each other with no proof of governing success among them, whatsoever. 

Along the same lines, there’s an early evening debate of lower-polling candidates Rand Paul; Carly Fiorina; Mike Huckabee; and Rick Santorum. The only question for all of them is why are they still in the race, whereas no one’s interested in any of them at all. 

And now, here’s all anyone needs to know about the current administration, and what to expect if any Democrat is elected next time around.

Terence P. Jeffrey reports: “The federal government took in a record of approximately $765,645,000,000 in tax revenues in the first three months of fiscal 2016 (Oct. 1, 2015 through Dec. 31, 2015), according to the Monthly Treasury Statement released today. 

“That equaled approximately $5,107 for every person in the country who had either a full or a part-time job in December. 

“It is also an increase of about $24,288,810,000 in constant 2015 dollars from the $741,356,190,000 in revenue (in constant 2015 dollars) that the Treasury took in during the first three months of fiscal 2015.” 

And now, the incredible part. Despite collecting more revenues than ever before in the nation’s history: “As it was hauling in these record revenues, the Treasury spent approximately $981,190,000,000, and ended up the first three months of the fiscal year with a deficit of approximately $215,546,000,000, according to the monthly statement.” 

Yet, what’s truly incredible is that while this devastating news regarding total fiscal mismanagement by government has now been published, Democrat candidates are still demanding more. They’re preaching about increasing government spending, further taxation of individuals, surcharges on the “rich” and growing the number of federal programs and employees.  

Therefore, what’s happening is that as Democrats move farther and farther left, spending every nickel in sight, pretty soon there actually won’t be anything "left" to spend at all.

Which brings us to todays update on Bill Clinton’s wife.

Today, FoxNews’ Judge Andrew P. Napolitano titled an article: “Why Hillary Clinton's legal woes are grave or even fatal: A tale of two smoking guns”

The judge writes: “The failure to safeguard state secrets is an area of the law in which the federal government has been aggressive to the point of being merciless. State secrets are the product of members of the intelligence community's risking their lives to obtain information. 

“Before she was entrusted with any state secrets -- indeed, on her first full day as secretary of state -- Clinton received instruction from FBI agents on how to safeguard them; and she signed an oath swearing to comply with the laws commanding the safekeeping of these secrets. She was warned that the failure to safeguard secrets -- known as espionage -- would most likely result in aggressive prosecution.” 

“The evidence of Clinton’s negligence is overwhelming. The FBI now has more than 1,300 protected emails that she received on her insecure server and sent to others -- some to their insecure servers. These emails contained confidential, secret or top-secret information, the negligent exposure of which is a criminal act.” 

Then this weekend, “Catherine Herridge and Pamela Browne learned from government sources that the FBI is investigating whether Clinton made any decisions as secretary of state to benefit her family foundation or her husband’s speaking engagements. If so, this would be profound public corruption. 

Several teams of independent researchers have been investigating the Clinton Foundation for a few years, amassing “a treasure-trove of documents demonstrating fraud and irregularities in fundraising and expenditures, and they have shown a pattern of favorable State Department treatment of foreign entities coinciding with donations by those entities to the Clinton Foundation and their engaging former President Bill Clinton to give speeches.” 

And then comes the judge’s expectation for the future: “There are now more than 100 FBI agents investigating Hillary Clinton. Her denial that she is at the core of their work is political claptrap with no connection to reality. It is inconceivable that the FBI would send such vast resources in the present dangerous era on a wild-goose chase. 

“It is the consensus of many of us who monitor government behavior that the FBI will recommend indictment. That recommendation will go to Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who, given Clinton’s former status in the government and current status in the Democratic Party, will no doubt consult the White House. 

“If a federal grand jury were to indict Clinton for espionage or corruption, that would be fatal to her political career. 

“If the FBI recommends indictment and the attorney general declines to do so, expect Saturday Night Massacre-like leaks of draft indictments, whistleblower revelations and litigation, and FBI resignations, led by the fiercely independent and intellectually honest FBI Director James Comey himself. 

“That would be fatal to Clinton’s political career, as well.” 

So, it appears that slowly but surely, the case against Bill’s wife is building continually. And that slowness is frustrating many whom are wishing to see her political undoing. However, this is a process that to be effective and conclusive, has to be completed impeccably. If not, the entire case could well unravel. 

There are still ten months until November, providing the time needed for the FBI in particular to insure a solid indictment. It also leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?   
That’s it for today folks.  

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