For the past year or so, each daily posting here has ended with the same
question: “Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and
CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?”
And just yesterday, one of those guys finally proved that he certainly is.
According to The New York Times: “Former New York City Mayor Michael
Bloomberg is considering a 2016 independent presidential campaign, vowing to
spend a $1 billion of his own cash. The billionaire politician purportedly sees
an opportunity for a third-party victory, based on what he considers a beatable
2016 field. He has already commissioned a poll and told advisers to start
drafting plans.
“Bloomberg appears to be waiting on the outcome of the Feb. 1 Iowa caucus and
the Feb. 9 New Hampshire primary, saying he’ll commission a second poll after
New Hampshire and make a decision in early March.”
While there was speculation in 2008 and 2012 that Bloomberg was considering a
White House bid, he’s changed stripes more often in his career than even
Trump. Originally a Democrat, he turned Republican before becoming
the Independent he is at present.
The reason for my continual inquiry about others interest in running, is
the weakness, inexperience and lack of performance record among all the
front-runners in both major parties. While Bloomberg’s never governed at a
level higher than mayor, since that was in NYC, he’s still far more accomplished
than all the poll-leaders now, who are quite remindful of TV’s old western
comedy, F-Troop.
According to Wikipedia: “The [F-Troop] series played fast and loose
with historical events and persons, and often parodied them for comical effect.”
Which is pretty much what the two major campaigns look like. The only difference
is, F-Troop’s writers intended that their casts look and sound incompetent and stupid.
Regarding Bloomberg’s possible entry to the race, reader orygun wrote:
“It is obvious now that the DNC believes Hillary Rodham Clinton to be damaged
goods. And they intend to run two socialists against one another. Bloomberg will want to ban water. Sanders will want to tax it.”
On another issue, according to “Vice President Joe
Biden said Saturday the U.S. and Turkey are prepared for a military solution
against ISIS in Syria should the Syrian government and rebel-opposition forces
fail to reach a peace agreement during its upcoming meeting in Geneva.
"We do know it would better if we can reach a political solution but we are
prepared ..., if that's not possible, to have a military solution to this
operation in taking out Daesh," Biden said at a news conference after a meeting
with Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. "
So, after all the campaigning against troop involvement, huge withdrawals from the
region and the promises to produce other solutions, the U.S. is right back where
it was before the POTUS took office.
Except that now, ISIS has become a major player, is far harder to deal with
and all the hard fought-for gains made over the preceding years have been given
away. All because the POTUS always puts politics above reality and common sense,
while lacking leadership capability and skills.
Reader G8tor2 commented: “I guess ISIS made it to the big leagues
As far as the Northeast's blizzard’s concerned, a Facebook friend posted the

Another FB posting by a friend. Couldn't leave it out.

Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Ian Hanchett writes: “Chicago
Tribune Editorial Board member Clarence Page and “McLaughlin Group” host
John McLaughlin predicted the FBI will recommend Democratic presidential
candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton face prosecution for
mishandling classified information on Friday.
“McLaughlin asked, “Forced prediction for the panel: the FBI will recommend
that Hillary Clinton face prosecution for mishandling classified information?
That’s the FBI. Yes or no?”
“Page stated, “I’m going to say yes, but she won’t be indicted.”
“McLaughlin responded, “I’m with you.”
So, there’s now movement in the media toward the possibility of indictment
for Bill’s wife. Something that wouldn’t rate an ounce of consideration not all
that long ago.
Which means that, just like water dripping on a rock, pressure’s having an
effect. And that’s likely why Mayor Bloomberg’s beginning his exploratory
campaign effort. It also gives others something to keep thinking about, bringing
up the continuing question: Joe Biden, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and
CEO, Howard Schultz, are you guys reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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