A couple of items today, illustrate how ignorance, sooner or later, generally comes back to haunt those who avoid education and/or self-improvement.
The first example derives from what has now become the standard method for handling those who disturb Trump for any reason. Instead of acknowledging, discussing or even attempting to explain reasons for knowledge absences or shortcomings, Trump’s reaction when confronted with stumping questions is to later attack those posing the query’s. Name-calling, gutter-level insults and attempts to smear anyone daring to pose the slightest threat to his self-defined image are employed to vilify detractors.
However, in the long run, that approach is likely doomed to fail. Because, sooner or later, wide-spread knowledge lapses cause a continually growing list of those to mock, defame, and belittle making the accuser look like what Trump is becoming. A whining, sniveling child-like wimp, back-biting those he feels have done harm to his aura.
In that regard, a friend’s posting on FB this morning might bode Trump well in the future, if he grasps the intention.

My response to the FB posting was: “Spent my business life in sales. For me, my competition's ignorance was always bliss. And still is.”
And in regard to Trump, I’m sure his ignorance and childish reaction’s to criticism, are quietly being enjoyed by 16 other well-versed, accomplished competitors for the job of POTUS.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
According to Rosalind S. Helderman and Carol D. Leonnig @washingtonpost.com: “Hillary Rodham Clinton and her family personally paid a State Department staffer to maintain the private e-mail server she used while heading the agency, according to an official from Clinton’s presidential campaign.”
A campaign official came up with an interesting spin, saying, “it also ensured that taxpayer dollars were not spent on a private server that was shared by Clinton, her husband and their daughter as well as aides to the former president.”
The details, however, indicate that the truth is another story altogether, because, the computer services provider, State Department staffer, Bryan Pagliano, “told a congressional committee this week that he would invoke his Fifth Amendment rights against self-incrimination instead of testifying about the setup.”
The Clintons paid Pagliano $5,000 for his services prior to his joining the State Department, and then, after his arrival at State in May 2009, “Pagliano continued to be paid by the Clintons to maintain the server, which was in their Chappaqua, N.Y., home, according to the campaign official and another person familiar with the arrangement. That person spoke on the condition of anonymity because the matter is under investigation.”
Adding to the growing number of incongruities, when “asked in early August about whether Pagliano had been paid privately to maintain the server, a State Department official said that the agency had “found no evidence that he ever informed the department that he had outside income.”
In all likelihood, it will take considerable time for the entire story to become known. But, from what’s transpired to date, there seems little doubt that there was very good reason for the Clinton’s to want the server, and the information within it, to be in their control. And certainly, to their personal benefit. Otherwise, why not just log-on to the departmental system like everybody else in government?
But then, perhaps it was simply a case of convenience, as mentioned by a reader on-line whose name wasn’t clear. “If you like your server …you can keep your server.”
Which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?
That's it for today folks.
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