Thursday, September 24, 2015


Chalk up another win for environmentalists and their flagship EPA, whereas it looks as if they’ve put another worldwide commercial organization out of business.
Gillian Flaccus and Tom Krisher write that: “Volkswagen comes clean about rigging diesel emissions to pass U.S. tests.”
According to the authors: “The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency first disclosed Friday that stealth software makes VW's 2009-2015 model cars powered by 2.0-liter diesel engines run cleaner during emissions tests than in actual driving. On Wednesday, Volkswagen CEO Martin Winterkorn resigned and took responsibility for the "irregularities" found by U.S. inspectors — a scandal that has wiped out billions in the company's market value and raised the possibility of criminal investigations and billions more in fines.”
So, here we have another case where apparently unreasonable, unattainable, or over-reaching air-quality requirements have made it impossible for businesses to reasonably attain the standards. To the extent that a major world-wide manufacturer may be forced to close. Adding that to what’s been done to shrink the entire U.S. economy for the past seven years for similar reasons, makes one wonder when the half of the work force that’s been idled by unfounded political ideology will wake up and say they’ve suffered enough.    
On another subject, Chris Stirewalt reports that, “A CBS4 News review of U.S. Labor Department records found that Trump businesses have requested hundreds of visas in recent years claiming they were unable to find Americans willing to do even the most basic tasks. And that is particularly true at Trump’s famed Palm Beach estate called Mar-A-Lago. Every year since at least 2008, Mar-A-Lago has requested anywhere from 70 to 90 visas to bring foreign workers into the country as cooks, waiters and housekeepers. The starting pay is between $10 and $12 an hour.”
The question that gets raised here concerns what the future holds for these “foreign” workers should Trump be elected POTUS. Will he send them airplane tickets, dig them tunnels, or set up ladders to accommodate their entry to the U.S.? Because, if not, how will they ever get past his impenetrable wall between here and Mexico?   
Another item from, this one by Dana Blanton, concerns the latest Fox News national poll on the 2016 election.
Ms Blanton writes: “On the Democratic side, support for Vice President Joe Biden -- who is still considering a run -- has almost doubled since August.  But make no mistake: Hillary Clinton remains the frontrunner.” 
For Republicans: “Trump stays on top with 26 percent among GOP primary voters, followed by Carson at 18 percent.  Fiorina and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio are next, tied at 9 percent.  All four have gained ground. After the August Fox News debate, Trump had 25 percent, while Carson had 12 percent, Fiorina 5 percent and Rubio 4 percent. “
What’s most interesting, however, is that when voters are asked to name who will win next November, without the aid of a list, a plurality says Clinton (28 percent) followed by Trump (20 percent).  However, “eight years ago, by almost four-to-one, voters said Clinton would be the next president (44 percent), followed by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani (12 percent).  Barack Obama came in third at six percent (October 2007). 
Additionally, claiming that this is “fun,“ Ms Blanton goes on to note that, “when all the names are tallied by party, about the same number of voters says the name of a Democrat they think will be the next president (37 percent) as says the name of a Republican (36 percent).”
And therefore, what this article demonstrates is that this far out from the next presidential election, poll results mean just about nothing of any value. Which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this? 
That’s it for today folks.

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