Sunday, September 20, 2015


Spending considerable amounts of time reading, thereby absorbing significant information on a wide variety of subjects provides certain insights for people like myself. One of the things that becomes obvious, is how self-serving, ego-driven, zealots take advantage of those less-informed or simply far more ignorant than themselves. Especially in the case of politicians.   
Today, Shane Ryan writes about Democrat presidential candidate Bernie Sanders,, and Sanders' claim that “Wealth inequality is destroying the American middle class and leading to increased job loss and poverty.”
Mr. Ryan writes that Sanders "has a few favorite stats he likes to deploy to illustrate the scope of the problem, starting with the fact that in America, the top one-tenth of 1 percent owns almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 percent. He hammers this message home as his rabid crowds rage along: One family, the Walton’s, owns more wealth than the bottom 40 percent; the 14 wealthiest individuals have added $156 billion to their fortunes in the past two years, which is more than the combined assets of the bottom 130 million Americans; 56 percent of all new income goes to the top 1 percent; the Koch brothers, as a result of the Citizens United decision, will spend more money on the 2016 election than either Republicans or Democrats.”
However, if Sanders really cared about his constituents, he’d take his own argument and turn it around. Because those that he rails against are the one’s the nation was founded to foster. By nurturing ingenuity and capability with minimal government interference and no taxes at all. The revolutionary plan from the beginning was to permit every citizen to make the best of themselves possible. And therefore, what the successes have done is not only what the founders intended from the start, they’ve achieved fulfillment and are proof of the validity of the American Dream itself.
Sanders, however, wants to take what the successful have built and redistribute it to those who’ve accomplished absolutely nothing whatsoever to deserve it at all. 
Farther along, Mr. Ryan writes: “To Sanders, almost every other problem plaguing the country is related to this “rigged economy,” including a minimum wage of $7.25, the loss of manufacturing jobs, childhood poverty, crumbling infrastructure, college debt, racial injustice, high unemployment and incarceration rates, the death of trade unions, attacks on social security, a broken electoral system, destabilizing wars, and even the destructive march of climate change.”
Yet, what the preceding paragraph really illustrates clearly is how little Sanders audiences grasp about their nation’s own history. Because every “problem” Sanders rails against is a direct result of Democrat ideology, legislation or philosophy.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife
A couple of articles today suggest that Joe Biden’s seriously considering entering the presidential race. While that would leave considerable empty space in this blog every day, whereas Bill’s wife would likely soon drop out, it would be a very welcome turn of events.
Colleen McCain Nelson, Carol E. Lee and Peter Nicholas write that: “Vice President Joe Biden’s aides in recent days called Democratic donors and supporters to suggest he is more likely than not to enter the 2016 race, and their discussions have shifted toward the timing of an announcement, said people familiar with the matter.
“While the Biden team is still debating the best time to jump in, the vice president met Monday with his political advisers and talked about the merits of an early entry that would assure him a place in the Democratic debate scheduled for Oct. 13. They also are honing his campaign message and moving ahead with plans to raise money and hire staff, the people said.”
And then, at 10:35am this morning, Chuck Todd and Alexandra Jaffe’sMeet the Press,” wrote: Contrary to reports suggesting Vice President Joe Biden's wife remains an obstacle to his potential presidential run, sources tell NBC News that Jill Biden is fully behind him for another bid. 
“Jill Biden, sources tell NBC's Chuck Todd, is 100 percent on-board with a presidential run, despite reports indicating her hesitation is part of what's keeping Biden from jumping into the race. 
“And that looks more likely by the day, as sources have indicated Biden's been meeting with Democratic leaders during his travels around the nation over the past week to tell them he wants to do it and thinks there's room for him to make a credible bid if he does.”
So, with Biden seemingly ready to run and Bill’s wife sinking further in the polls every day, that leads to the ongoing question: Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this? 
That’s it for today folks.

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