After earning well-deserved praise yesterday, for highlighting the horrendous error made by the administration in totally conceding to Iran in the nuclear deal, Trump turned around and put himself back in the gutter again. A place he apparently is well acquainted with and seems to enjoy as a place to spend lots of his time.
What’s most confusing is that, while trying to convince the voting public that he’s the best man to serve as POTUS next time around, he willingly acts like the spoiled brat he is by denigrating competitors for no reason at all. In the process making himself look like a teenager in a schoolyard, who instead of outperforming his rival, thumbs his nose, utters epithets and acts like a sissified five year old.
According to, “Donald Trump is under fire yet again after insulting the physical appearance of fellow GOP presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.
"Look at that face! Would anyone vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president," the Republican frontrunner said in the interview. "I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not s'posedta say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?"
In this case, instead of presenting a premise that would enhance his candidacy, illustrating his self-proclaimed superior executive capabilities, he lost out twice in the same situation.
Apparently unphased by Trump’s interview outburst about her, Carly Fiorina told Fox News’ Megyn Kelly on “The Kelly File” Wednesday that Trump’s comments “speak for themselves” and are “very serious.” And thus, without coming down to Trump’s level or responding in kind, Ms Fiorina calmly left viewers with the impression of her own calm professionalism under fire. A capability Trump's proven often that he severely lacks.
As far as Trump’s hard stand on immigration is concerned, his bluster may all be a waste of time in the end anyway. Because, according to Jeffrey M. Jones, Gallup's Minority Rights and Relations poll was conducted from June 15-July 10. It was “the first time Gallup has asked the question about immigration, so it is not known whether voters' orientation to the issue today is different from the past.”
What the results show is that, “Currently, 8% of Americans name immigration as the most important problem facing the country, compared with 6% before Trump entered the race, which suggests his presence has not greatly elevated the issue as a priority for voters, and it may still not be as important of a factor in the election as some of the other issues like the economy and the government.”
And so, in typical Trump fashion, he’s once again delivered huge sizzle, but no steak.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
John Solomon, reports that, “Federal investigators formally investigated top Hillary Rodham Clinton aide Huma Abedin for the crime of embezzlement after confirming she took a “Babymoon” vacation and maternity time at the State Department without expending her formal leave, resulting in thousands of dollars of pay she wasn’t entitled to receive, The Washington Times has learned.”
Evidence showed she filed time sheets charging the government for impermissible overtime and excessive hours after she converted from a full-time federal employee to a State Department contractor.
What’s most interesting, though, is Abedin, who served as a deputy chief of staff to Mrs. Clinton from 2009 to late 2012, “told investigators she hadn’t noticed she had received a $33,000 lump sum payment — about a third of which investigators determined was improper — when she left the State Department.”
Her excuse made typing difficult, because laughing makes one’s hands shake: “My husband handles all the finances in our household,” she told investigators during a recorded interview in October 2014.” And that husband is “disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner, who she says failed to let her know.”
Potentially damaging information is perhaps the reason the government has turned over fewer Clinton-related emails than demanded, as cited by Stephen Braun
“The State Department has delivered only seven of nearly 70 pages of documents that a federal judge identified as potentially responsive to an Associated Press request for documents relating to Hillary Rodham Clinton's hiring of longtime aide Huma Abedin as a special government contract staffer.”
What’s more, although the department's response contained only five email documents, two of them were partially censored.
Additional problems also exist because, “Government lawyers cautioned in a filing in a separate court case against the State Department that the agency's resources for processing requests for Clinton-related files "are strained to the limit." Justice Department lawyers working on behalf of the State Department said more than 16,500 new requests for Clinton-related files have been filed since September 2014 and there are now 87 court challenges pending in federal courts.”
And maybe that’s why Democrat leaders seem to be acting nervously lately, as referenced by Patrick Healy, who wrote: “If party leaders see a scenario next winter where Bernie Sanders has a real chance at the Democratic nomination, I think there’s no question that leaders will reach out to Vice President Biden or Secretary of State Kerry or even Gore about entering the primaries,” said Garnet F. Coleman, a Texas state lawmaker and Democratic national committeeman.”
And then, Glenn Thrush and Hadas Gold write about a truly incredible turn of events showing just how bad its really gotten for Bill’s wife. Whereas, no one in their wildest dreams could have ever imagined seeing something like this in print.
Writing that, “The New York Times has 'a special place in hell',” David Brock, former right-wing journalist-turned-pro-Clinton crusader, takes aim at a top New York Times editor in a soon-to-be released book obtained by POLITICO.
Brock accuses former Times D.C. bureau chief Carolyn Ryan of helping to turn the paper into a 'megaphone for conservative propaganda.
So, what we have here is the fact that troublesome issues, most of which were caused by Bill’s wife herself, have gotten so far out of hand that even that bastion of liberalism, The New York Times, has to report on them to preserve it’s image as the paper of record.
And in response, like the good lap dog he is, Brock turns around and tries to shoot the messenger who’s simply bringing documented facts to the public. And thus, if Brock truly wanted to eliminate the cause of his apparently overwhelming unease, he should simply turn the gun around and then pull the trigger.
Which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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