Tuesday, September 15, 2015


At the rate things are going for the nation, unless the Republicans do something incredibly vile or stupid (which is altogether possible,) they can’t conceivably lose the next presidential election.
Paul Bedard of the Washington Examiner via foxnews.com, reports that, “The United States, ranked second in worldwide economic freedom as recently as 2000, has plummeted to 16th, according to a new report of world economies.
The Fraser Institute's annual report, Economic Freedom of the World, showed that the country's drop started in 2010, the second year of the Obama administration.
"The United States, once considered a bastion of economic freedom, now ranks 16th in the world after being as high as second in 2000," said the report issued Monday morning.”
All one has to do is search some readily available statistics to confirm the point. Such as the fact that roughly 50% of the nation’s population is currently receiving some kind of government assistance. Or that, the workforce is the smallest its been since Jimmy Carter was president in the 1970’s. Or that, the only reason that the unemployment rate appears so low is that the administration uses a different calculation today, omitting those no longer looking for jobs after four weeks. Or that, the full time work is now 30 hours instead of the historical 40 hours of the past.  
However, what’s truly incredible is that the top 10 nations offering “economic freedom” at present are Hong Kong, Singapore, New Zealand, Switzerland, United Arab Emirates, Mauritius, Jordan, Ireland, Canada, with the United Kingdom and Chile tied at 10. Which means that even socialism-based governments which previously were economic dwarfs now surpass the U.S. And that’s not because they’ve grown dramatically economy-wise, but instead, since 2008 has gone straight backward. Suggesting a significant voter rebellion by the huge number of citizens who have been decimated economically by this administration and want their job opportunities back.  
On another subject, while according to a new CBS/New York Times poll, Trump is supported by 27 percent of GOP primary voters nationally, Ben Carson’s at 23 percent. That’s a 3-point rise for Trump, but quite importantly, it’s also a 17-point spike for Carson since July.  
The poll results, seem to indicate that while the voting public is still trending against traditional politicians, Trump is beginning to lose ground to a more stable, confidence building, highly successful individual, Dr. Carson. 
According to Cal Thomas @foxnews.com: “Trump is a serial violator (and he’s not alone in this) of Ronald Reagan’s “11th Commandment,” which states that Republicans are never to speak ill of a fellow Republican. There’s a good reason for this. If Republicans trash Republicans, by the time a nominee is chosen, the party has given Democrats a slew of disparaging sound bites they can use as political ammo in the general election campaign. Not a smart move.”
While what Mr. Thomas wrote is perfectly true, regarding providing the opposition with ammunition to be used against a candidate and his or her party, it’s also not only amateurish but makes the mud-slinger look weak, unprepared with facts and/or supporting data, and totally unprofessional in competence and manner. All of which applies to Trump. 
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Rudy Giuliani appearing on Sean Hannity's Fox News show last night, discussing Bill’s wife, suggested that in his opinion, she should hire an attorney.
The former mayor‘s feeling that she needed counsel stemmed from possible bribery linked to fee’s paid to Bill and the family foundation that may have been influenced by her position when she was Secretary of State.
The mayor also opined that there may have been gross negligence regarding the handling of classified materials on Bill’s wife computer server. Raising additional questions about who might have “wiped” the data, if that actually happened. And who else might have obtained information from it, such as Russia or China. 
Additionally, the mayor believes that prior contradictory statements regarding what occurred regarding the server can be used against her in court. All of which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?  
That’s it for today folks.

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