I mentioned yesterday, that I hadn’t watched the Republican presidential debate because I could never grasp the purpose of those kind of events in the first place. Then I came across the following comment from Rush on his website:
Rush said, “Anyway, okay. I'll tell you here just stream of consciousness thoughts. Overall -- and I'm gonna back all this up with detail in a moment -- the overall view of the night is that not a whole lot is gonna change because of what happened last night. Not a whole lot.”
Then he made the most important point by exclaiming: “No, no, no, no. There's no question last night Carly Fiorina's star shown brighter than anybody. There's no question about it. But we're nowhere near the end of this. There's still much to happen here, and none of it predictable. So all in all, it was a good night for conservatism, provided those articulating it mean it, which is always what's up for grabs.” And thus, in conclusion, it all boiled down to a waste of time for most, except bored political junkie's.
On another subject, if there was ever any doubt as to why the POTUS wants open, unbridled borders, Kate Linthicum @latimes.com provided significant proof of his motives yesterday.
Ms Linthicum wrote: “Democrats have done their best to exploit the moment. On Thursday, the White House set out a new initiative aimed at the roughly 8.8 million legal permanent residents of the U.S. who are eligible for citizenship but have not sought it. The program is designed to make the process easier and less daunting for applicants.
“White House officials insisted the initiative was not politically motivated, but the political effect is clear: Most of the potential new citizens are Latino and could be expected to vote for Democrats if they become eligible.” And that says it all in crystal clear English.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, as follows:
According to Steve Guest, Media Reporter @dailycaller.com, "She “could not name her “number one accomplishment” while she was secretary of state during her first live interview of the campaign season with CNN’s Wolf Blitzer Thursday.
“Clinton instead said that anyone who is interested in her accomplishments should “read my book ‘Hard Choices.'”
Mr. Guest then posted the following comments between Wolf Blitzer and Bill’s wife.
Wolf Blitzer: Carly Fiorina, she said if you want to stump a Democrat she said ask them about Hillary Clinton’s accomplishments as Secretary of State. If you were on that debate stage with her, what would you say was your number one accomplishment as Secretary of State?
Bill’s wife’s answer is long, but illustrates that, after speaking all those words, this empty dress said absolutely nothing about her record of accomplishments. And that’s because Carly Fiorina’s correct, there aren’t any and, other than marrying Bill, there never were.
Here’s what Bill’s wife replied to Blitzer: “You know, Wolf, I didn’t get to see all of their debate. But I saw enough of it to know that this is just the usual back and forth political attacks, the kinds of things you say when you’re on a debate stage and really don’t have much else to say. I didn’t hear anything from any of them about how they’re going to make college more affordable or get down student debt or get equal pay for equal work for women, what they’re going to do to make sure that we deal with the challenges of raising incomes for hard working people. So I don’t really pay a lot of attention to this kind of rhetoric that heats up the debate stage. They’re all trying to vie for more attention from obviously the Republican Party. I’m going to let them decide how best to do it. But if anybody’s interested, you know, there’s a long list about what I have done. And I’m very proud of it. You can read my book Hard Choices, read about how I negotiated a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas. You can read about how I put together the coalition that led to international sanctions against Iran. You can read about what I did when I was First Lady, to get the children’s health insurance program or as senator working across the aisle on issues like getting better health care for our veterans. You know, this is just the silly season. I am looking forward to eventually debating on that stage whoever they finally nominate once they get around to doing that”
So, Bill’s wife rattled off a long political speech and at the end, listed a few examples of events she had very littlie to do with, yet took the opportunity to try to earn a few more bucks selling her books.
Which leads to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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