An article today by Kenric Ward via, confirms an idea proposed here for quite a long time in the past.
Mr. Ward writes: “While President Obama wants to open the way for Iran oil exports, Texans are pushing to put U.S. crude back on the world market, too -- a move that could save American consumers billions in fuel costs.”
Authored by Rep. Joe Barton, R-Waco, the bill has 126 House co-sponsors, including 19 Texas Republicans and Democrats, lifting a 40-year ban on exports of U.S. crude.
Rep. Barton said. "Lifting the ban on U.S. crude oil exports this year would create jobs in all 50 states and increase tax revenue upwards of $13.5 billion in 2020."
Some energy forecasters say: “Reopening global markets to American crude could save consumers up to $5.8 billion a year through lower gas and fuel prices.
“The 1975 crude export ban was enacted when U.S. oil production was slack and gas prices were soaring. Since then, hydraulic fracking, horizontal drilling and new exploration have vaulted domestic output ahead of Saudi Arabia and Russia.”
However, what’s just as important as the dearly needed boost to the U.S. economy, is that oil revenues are the backbone of almost all nation’s hostile to the U.S. Including Russia, Syria, Iran and even Venezuela. And therefore, dramatically reducing their income curtails their ability to wage war. Which is why it seems ridiculous for any rational government leadership not to do all in its power to drive U.S. oil prices as low as humanly possible as fast as they can.
On another subject, this one getting very little attention from the liberal media, the POTUS’s health care tax seems to be foundering again.
Tom Howell, writes that: “President Obama will need to more than double the number of Americans enrolled in Obamacare exchange plans to reach 21 million next year, the target set in budget projections, in what is shaping up as the next major test for the health care law.”
According to the Department of Health and Human Services, as of June, 9.9 million customers bought plans through the federal portal and a handful of state-run exchanges. While that’s ahead the administration’s own estimates for 2015, it’s also less than half what the Congressional Budget Office projected for 2016.
With enrollment begining in less than two months, “Industry analysts said the CBO’s estimate for next year is “overly optimistic” and a “stretch,” and that it will take more time for the law to attract that many people onto the Web-based markets, where consumers shop for private health care plans and typically qualify for government subsidies to reduce their monthly premiums.
In typical response to the enrollment probably falling short of projections, Elizabeth Carpenter, a vice president at Avalere Health, a D.C.-based consultancy, said, “Given where things stand, the ramp-up of enrollment may be slower than initially anticipated.” Which means that while Obamacare remains extremely unpopular for most, even among those it was supposedly designed to help, taxpayers will still find their financial exposure going up.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
David Sherfinski writes that: “Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has fallen below 50 percent support in the race for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination and has found herself in a neck-and-neck contest against GOP businessman Donald Trump among registered voters, according to a national survey out this week.”
Bill’s wife had the support of 42 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents in the Washington Post-ABC News poll, followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont at 24 percent and Vice President Joseph R. Biden at 21 percent.
That means her support among Democrats fell 21 points since July, while Sanders’ increased 10 points and support for Biden increased by 9.
What’s most interesting though, is that while her numbers keep sinking like a rock, she still outperforms blustering, inconsistent Trump. In a potential head-to-head match-up, she leads him by 3 points among registered voters, 46 percent to 43 percent. And among all adults, she led by 12 points, 51 percent to 39 percent.
All of which indicates that a trustworthy Democrat would likely overwhelm Trump at the polls by a landslide in November 2016. Leading to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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