While pundits run around in circles, trying to explain the huge drop in stock prices, the answer’s actually quite simple: the Obama economy is finally reflecting the negative effect it should have years ago. And had it not been for zero interest rates, the stockmarket wouldn’t have increased like it has in the first place.
Though the reasons for the economy’s weakness are numerous, a couple of glaring statistics provide a quick picture. Wages haven’t risen in years, the work-week’s been shortened, the unemployment calculation's been changed to hide the long-term unemployed while roughly half the population’s receiving some kind of government assistance or other. At the same time, the nation itself is in in debt for over $18 trillion.
One current positive ought to be the rapidly declining price of oil, which ordinarily would stimulate consumer spending. However, the price is dropping for all the wrong reasons. Especially the fact that nobody wants or needs the oil because half the country has nowhere to go. They haven’t got jobs and therefore, don’t have to commute and certainly can’t afford to travel for vacations.
On another subject, “Fox News CEO and Chairman Roger Ailes on Tuesday called for Donald Trump to apologize for his "unprovoked attack" against host Megyn Kelly, after the Republican presidential candidate made a series of disparaging comments about "The Kelly File" host on Twitter the previous evening.
"Donald Trump rarely apologizes, although in this case, he should," Ailes said in a statement. "We have never been deterred by politicians or anyone else attacking us for doing our job, much less allowed ourselves to be bullied by anyone and we're certainly not going to start now."
There are several interesting aspects to this one, because one would have to be pretty shortsighted to take on the premier network in supporting Republican candidates. Furthermore, Roger Ailes is one of the most highly respected media giants in the world who could sink Trump and his campaign in a heartbeat. Therefore, this is like a student dearly in need of a passing grade to stay in school and calling the teacher grading his paper a moron before his test was reviewed.
And, what’s even worse for Trump is that Megan Kelly’s a female who took his attack like a professional of any gender. Trump, on the other hand, came across like a spoiled little girl having a hissy fit because somebody insulted her dress. That kind of behavior belongs in a schoolyard catfight, far beneath someone seeking the position of POTUS. Which goes to indicate Trump’s in over his head and doesn’t know how to act in an arena he reached by mistake.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Yesterday, FoxNews.com reported that it was found “that The State Department does not appear to have submitted legally required information regarding Hillary Clinton's secret computer server to the Department of Homeland Security during her term as secretary.”
“All federal government agencies are mandated to submit a list of systems, vulnerabilities and configuration issues to DHS every 30 days. The department then performs a "cyberscope audit" to ensure security, a responsibility the agency has had since 2010.”
“FoxNews.com learned of the lapse as a result of a Freedom of Information Act request submitted June 11. It is not clear if State Department officials in charge of compliance with the DHS audits knew of their boss's server, which has been shown to have included "top secret" information in emails.
“And now, today, One of the emails that triggered the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton’s server contained classified intelligence from three different agencies, Fox News has learned – which could mean the State Department violated a President Obama-signed executive order by authorizing its release.”
So, another day’s gone by and the situation worsens for Bill’s wife, who may wind up sinking below Joe Biden’s poll results all by herself and due to her evasive conduct before he even enters the race. Which leads to the daily question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?
That's it for today folks.
PS: A FB friend posted this this morning.

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