Thursday, August 20, 2015


Democrat politicians may now have to wake up to the insanity of continually voting along party lines, instead of using their heads and actually trying to grasp the ramifications of critical issues facing the nation they’re supposed to be representing.
Today, reported that, “Capitol Hill opposition to the Iranian nuclear deal was stoked Wednesday by a bombshell report that Tehran will be allowed to use its own experts to inspect one of the country's most controversial nuclear sites."
Republican Senator, Lindsey Graham, summed the situation up succinctly by stating, “Allowing the Iranians to inspect their own nuclear sites, particularly a notorious military site, is like allowing the inmates to run the jail."
Therefore, what’s going to be far more interesting to see, is that since there’s very little doubt that the Iranians have no intentions of maintaining their side of the bargain, what Democrats voting in favor of the deal will do when Iran violates the terms. 
The good news then, is for the Republicans. Because their opposition may not recover at the polls from the mistake of following a misguided leader for many years into the future, if ever.  
On another issue, Republican political consultant Karl Rove appearing on Fox News this morning opined that now isn’t the time for Joe Biden to enter the presidential race. Rove’s rationale was that Biden lacks the organization, support groups and infrastructure to mount a strong campaign against Bill Clinton’s wife who, in Rove’s opinion, will continue to maintain a commanding lead. If, however, Biden jumps in right before the election, he’d have a better chance of victory, says Rove.
And then, a few minutes later a new Quinnipiac swing-state poll.viewed on-line shows that, “Vice President Joe Biden runs as well or better than Hillary Clinton against top-tier Republicans. Among general election voters in Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Florida, Biden looks like a better bet.” 
What’s more, “The veep beats Donald Trump by a commanding 10 points in Ohio, double Clinton’s margin in the same matchup. Biden also wins against former Gov. Jeb Bush, R-Fla., and comes within shot of Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., in Biden’s native Pennsylvania. Overall, the poll shows Biden in a similar position to Clinton and could be just as strong a contender for Democrats.”
And, extremely importantly, “Even better news for Biden? His trustworthiness rating hangs around 60 percent in the three states… about the same percent of voters who do not trust Clinton.”
Now, in reality, the poll indications are likely quite well-known to the always well-informed Mr. Rove. Thus, one can only surmise that his trying to dissuade a Biden run is because he’d prefer to have the eventual Republican candidate run against the badly weakened wife of Bill Clinton. Which in its own subtle way is a further indication of Joe Biden’s electability, and Rove’s fearfulness of him.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Most of the items in the news surround the brewing probability of Bill’s wife’s mishandling of information that should never have been sent to, kept or viewed on a private server in her home. And even, worse, maintained by a mom-and-pop outfit that stored them in an old bathroom closet in a downtown Denver loft.
The story’s regarding the potential of dereliction can be found all over the web from news agencies, critics, pundits and others. However, what’s most interesting today are a couple of reader’s comments following two of the reports.  
Byron Tau and Robert McMillan wrote that, “Hillary Clinton’s campaign said Wednesday that emails on the private server she used when she was secretary of state contained material that is now classified, the clearest explanation thus far of an issue that has roiled her bid for the presidency.
At the same time, the campaign sought to play down the disclosure by saying the material had been retroactively classified out of an abundance of caution by U.S. intelligence agencies.”
In response, reader John Williams, wrote:
“Recent interview with Bill Clinton:
“Question to Bill Clinton : What's the ideal breakfast setting ?
“Answer : You're sitting at the kitchen table and your daughter is on the cover of the Wheaties box , your mistress is on the cover of  Playboy , and your wife is on the back of a milk carton.”
And then, after an article titled, “Government Inquiry Into Clinton Emails Likely To Widen, by Carrie Johnson, D SR posted the following:
DELETING HILLARY █████████████▒▒▒ 90% complete.
Which leads to the ongoing daily question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this? 
That's it for today folks. 

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