Wednesday, August 12, 2015


While the impact of Chuck Schumer’s finally coming out against the president’s Iran nuclear giveaway is still to be determined, another subject’s crept up in which the administration is definitively on the wrong track; Illegal immigration.
Joel Kotkin Staff Columnist via Drudge writes that, to progressives, “California’s recovery from a very tough recession is proof positive that you can impose ever greater regulation on everything from housing to electricity and still have a thriving economy.”
At the same time, however, “Homelessness, which one would think should be in decline during a strong economy, is on the rise in Orange County and even more so in Los Angeles.
“The dirty secret here is that a large proportion of Californians, roughly one-third, or some 3.2 million households, as found by a recent United Way study, find it increasingly difficult to keep their heads above water.”
But it’s in the details where the horrendous impact of unbridled immigration becomes alarmingly clear whereas “not surprisingly, many of the foreign-born, the source of much of California’s population growth in recent decades, have fared poorly. Only 25 percent of households headed by native-born Californians fall below the United Way “Real Cost Budget” line for economic distress, but it’s 45 percent for those headed by the foreign-born, and nearly 60 percent for families headed by a noncitizen. The highest percentage is among Latino households headed by a noncitizen – a staggering 80 percent fall below the minimal level.”
In a similar situation, factual data presents significant conflict with the information delivered to the public by a world leader who’s personal goals rise far above practical reality. 
In an article posted, Reuter’s Richard Valdmanis writes that, “Pope Francis heartened environmentalists around the world in June when he urged immediate action to save the planet from the effects of climate change, declaring that the use of "highly polluting fossil fuels needs to be progressively replaced without delay." 
Yet, at the same time, “some of the largest American Catholic organizations have millions of dollars invested in energy companies, from hydraulic fracturing firms to oil sands producers, according to their own disclosures, through many portfolios intended to fund church operations and pay clergy salaries.
“This discrepancy between the church's leadership and its financial activities in the United States has prompted at least one significant review of investments. The Archdiocese of Chicago, America's third largest by Catholic population, told Reuters it will reexamine its more than $100 million worth of fossil fuel investments.”
Thus, here again, while it’s highly noble to present and pursue the most lofty values, it’s also critical to be able to afford them. Which is where returns from the best investments come into play, including fossil fuels. 
The Pope’s ideology is also remindful of Margaret Thatcher’s premise that, “The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people's money.”
Which brings us to several updates on Bill Clinton’s wife for today.
Rush asked on his show Tuesday, “Can you just see CNN? I would love... You know, CNN's always trying to emulate Fox.  Well, that's not quite the way to put it.  CNN, despite what they would say, is a little jealous of Fox.  Everybody would love to have Fox's ratings.
“They would love to have Fox's respect. They would love to have the respect Fox has. They would love to have the core audience Fox has.  You know how copycat media is, how emulative.  How about this?  How about -- I don't know -- Andrea Mitchell, or a female infobabe to be the debate moderator, and Mrs. Clinton gets the first question.  "Mrs. Clinton, let me mention seven names:
"Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky, Beth Dozoretz, Denise Rich.  Now, tell us: How can you look at anyone with a straight face and talk to them about family values, when It Takes a Village to satisfy your husband?"  That's my (laughing) variation on the Trump question at the Fox debate.  To keep things equal, hit Hillary the same way, and that is the question.”
However, while Rush uses Bill’s historical philandering as the basis for a radio skit, far more serious real world questions arise for Bill’s wife.  
Anita Kumar, Marisa Taylor and Greg Gordon of the McClatchy Washington Bureau, write that: “As pressure builds on Hillary Clinton to explain her official use of personal email while serving as secretary of state, she faced new complications Tuesday. It was disclosed her top aides are being drawn into a burgeoning federal inquiry and that two emails on her private account have been classified as “Top Secret.”
“The inspector general for the Intelligence Community notified senior members of Congress that two of four classified emails discovered on the server Clinton maintained at her New York home contained material deemed to be in one of the highest security classifications - more sensitive than previously known.
“The notice came as the State Department inspector general’s office acknowledged that it is reviewing the use of “personal communications hardware and software” by Clinton’s former top aides after requests from Congress.” 
What’s most important in this case is that, aside from the damage done to herself by Bill’s wife potentially treasonous activity’s in using personal computerization, that activity may also be negatively affecting her presidential campaign.
In’s Boston Herald front page today, it’s reported that, “Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders has rocketed past longtime front-runner Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire, a stunning turn in a race once considered a lock for the former secretary of state, a new Franklin Pierce University/Boston Herald poll shows.
“Sanders leads Clinton 44-37 percent among likely Democratic primary voters, the first time the heavily favored Clinton has trailed in the 2016 primary campaign, according to the poll of 442 Granite-Staters.
Which means that not only are voters seemingly cooling on Bill’s wife, but the ongoing question needs to be asked again: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this? 
That's it for today folks.

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