While the Iran deal appears to be facing more trouble in Congress than the administration expected, with several Democrats wavering regarding support, another poor decision is coming home to roost. This one caused by managerial ineptitude combined with ramifications of misuse of power to the extent that Mother Nature seems to be extracting revenge.
Ben Wolfgang reports @washingtontimes.com via Drudge that “The political fallout from last week’s toxic spill at Colorado’s Gold King Mine intensified Monday, with critics saying the incident has exposed clear hypocrisy within the Obama administration while threatening the credibility of the Environmental Protection Agency at a crucial moment.”
What’s most interesting, and totally in line with the administration's consistent pursuit of political motives over reality, rather “than express outrage as it has done in the wake of previous environmental disasters, the White House would not comment on the spill and instead directed all questions to the embattled EPA.”
While the “contaminated water has spread to New Mexico, Arizona and Utah, and EPA officials were forced to concede that more than 3 million gallons were released into the river — a much higher amount than the agency’s initial estimate of 1 million gallons,”and the “fluid contains lead, arsenic and other heavy metals.
Therefore, it will also be interesting to see how the POTUS follows up whereas, although “not comparable in magnitude, the spill in some ways is reminiscent of BP’s 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, which famously led President Obama to say he was looking for someone’s “ass to kick” in response and prompted Ken Salazar, the interior secretary at the time, to vow to keep his “boot on the neck” of BP.”
In reality, the chances of an equal presidential response is less than zero.
As far as the timing of the previous incident’s concerned, yesterday Rush took on a similar topic. He addressed the significant sums spent on self-serving efforts to support their own objectives by party’s having vested interests in the slanting of information disseminated to the public.
Rush opined that, “The New York Times has pretty much inadvertently undermined the whole notion of scientists alone as enough to offer credibility, particularly on climate change. But the second story that's big is this discovery from the InsuranceJournal.com website that climate change is now its own industry, a $1.5 trillion industry. You might say, "Well, what's the industry? What's the business about it?
“I don't know what you'd say. One of the areas of climate change that's got the most money circulating in it is consultancy, people that consult businesses and others on how to be compliant, on how to escape any kind of sanction or what have you. The entire climate change market has a "consulting market," I'm reading here from the report, "which a recent report by the journal estimates at $1.9 billion worldwide and $890 million in the US" alone."
So, here again is additional confirmation of the point made here for the past four years. Because although climate hasn’t changed in the past eighteen years, Tom Steyer’s still getting support from the POTUS for the millions Next Generation, co-founded by Steyer in 2011, poured into Obama’s presidential campaign. Literally "buying" his support.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
In an indication of a continuing negative trend, confirmed by sliding numbers in the polls, Deena Zaru, @Washington writes that, “California rapper Brandon McCartney, known by his professional name Lil B The Based God, released a track last year expressing his love and respect for Bill Clinton. And in his ode to the former President, titled ‘B---- I'm Bill Clinton,’ he raps a sort of endorsement for Hillary Clinton even before her 2016 presidential bid was announced: "Shout-outs to Hillary Clinton. You gonna win that presidency."
However, “last month, Lil B took that endorsement back, and in a series of passionate tweets, he publicly endorsed Bernie Sanders, saying, "As much as I want to a woman leading the USA, right now it's all about Bernie ... he's the real he loves us."
And then, in additional confirmation of Bill’s wife’s sliding favorability, Michael Warren, Staff Writer in The Blog @weeklystandard.com writes that, “A majority of Iowa Democrats, 52 percent, still support Clinton, while Sanders has 25 percent. That represents what PPP calls a "decent amount of tightening" in the Democratic race since April, with Clinton's support dropping from 62 percent and Sanders's up from 14 percent.”
Which leads into an article from bostonherald.com via Drudge reporting that, “Hillary Clinton will be greeted by grumpy Granite State Democrats today demanding additional debates beyond the limited six sanctioned showdowns recently released by the Democratic National Committee — and even top DNC officials agree.”
While the story covers growing anxiety in the Democrat party about current candidates, the comments from readers were predominately negative regarding the party itself and extremely hostile toward Bill Clinton’s wife. Two sample follow:
Bill Sisk, Schoolcraft College wrote, “There's no way I'm watching a democrat debate. It will be like the bar scene in Star Wars.”
Michael Clifford, SUNY Plattsburgh, replied, “Ten four on that. Hillary is as crooked as the road through smugglers notch and she gets $600 hair cuts. Sanders doesn't own a comb or hairbrush and wants to make every thing free. Chaffee's major objective is to take the USA metric. O'Malley is intimidated into apologising for saying "All lives matter", Jim Webb seems to either gone into witness protection or was abducted by aliens as soon as he announced and of course Joe is just Joe.”
Certainly looks like these commenter's know exactly what they're talking about, presenting their case succinctly correct.

Which brings us back to the Iran deal discussed at the top of this page and an item a friend sent this morning. It speaks for itself.

Leading to the ongoing question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?
That’s it for today folks.
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