Today’s common theme is numbers, and how statistics and basic mathematics consistently produce the truth while politicians usually don’t.
The first item came to mind due to a cartoon posted by a friend on Facebook.

In this case, the POTUS as usual, employed two horrific events to make different points, although except for the reversal of who shot who, both situations are precisely the same.
However, by using the second example to press his continual attempts at taking guns away from ordinary citizens on totally false premises, the POTUS caused conducting some research to derive actual weaponry statistics. The results follow.
According to Gun Violence Archive 2015, a non-profit corp. providing free public information on-line, there were 33,833 gun-related incidents so far this year. Deaths amounted to 8,630.
Statistically, the total U.S. population is 319 million people, 111,650,000 of them owning guns, equaling 35%. Thus, the annual percentage of the population involved in gun incidents equals .00010606%, while those involving shooting deaths equals .00000071%
Therefore, much like the health care tax which is in the process of ruining the greatest health care system in the world on behalf of the approximately 5% of the population in need of assistance, more than 99% of upstanding citizens owning guns are being continually harassed to surrender their weapons. Which is why this legislation has never passed and won't, because it clearly shouldn’t.
On a similar topic, and one often mentioned here, Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. climatologist, author, and former NASA scientist writes on his website that, “When President Obama visits Alaska this week to campaign for a new international agreement to fight global warming climate change, Alaska will be experiencing colder than normal weather and forecast summer snows, as seen in this graphic of forecast total snowfall by Friday:
“NOAA’s official average temperature product for Alaska, even after they’ve made innumerable and controversial adjustments, shows cooling from the 1920s to the late 1970s, then sudden warming associated with the Great Climate Shift of 1977:
“This shift was due to a natural reversal of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation, a 60 year cycle which affects the atmospheric steering currents in Alaska, determining whether cold polar air or warm Pacific air tends to win out as the two air masses continually battle for control over Alaska weather.”
Dr. Spencer concludes by stating that: “Alaskans are used to tremendous extremes in weather throughout the year. The tree stump evidence by itself suggests it was warmer there 1,000 years ago than today.
“Yet, President Obama will no doubt wax eloquent about how all weather and glacier changes in Alaska (1) have been brought on by humans, and (2) are bad. I’m sure this is what’s taught in schools now, and many will believe it.
Dr. Spencer concludes by stating, “But don’t you believe it.” However, it'll also be pretty amusing to see the POTUS standing there in a fur-collared coat in summertime up to his knees in Alaskan snow-flakes making a pitch for his global-warming agenda.
Along the same lines, Kerry Picket, reporter, writes that: “ABC News ran a news special in 2009 called Earth 2100, a program warning its viewers about the dangers of climate change.
“Describing dangerous temperature levels and dropping agricultural production, the news package brings in The Weather Channel’s Heidi Cullen, who says, “There’s about one billion people who are malnourished. That number just continually grows.”
And here’s the conclusion reached by those “experts” back in 2009: “The doomsday predictions for 2015 go further and include $12.00 for a gallon of milk and $9.00 a gallon for gasoline, if there is any gas at all that is left.” And that sounds like it was predicted by AlGore, who‘s yet to be accurate about anything at all, but still rakes in millions promoting his carbon swap frauds.
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
According to, “Clinton remains the first choice of 37 percent of likely Democratic caucus-goers in Iowa, the first state to hold a primary vote. And Sanders is the pick for 30 percent, according to the Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll released Saturday.”
However, only three months ago according to the then most recent Iowa Poll, Bill's wife was leading the Democratic field with 57 percent, followed by Sanders at 16 percent.
Which means that if her drop-off remains constant at 20% over the past 90 days, by November 2015 her Iowa favorability will equate to 17% while Bernie should rise to 30. And then, by February 2016 numbers-wise, she’ll be under water. Bringing up the daily question: Joe Biden, Mayor Bloomberg, Jerry Brown, and Starbuck’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, are you reading this?
That's it for today folks.