Thursday, May 28, 2015


On a slow news day so far, today’s items reflect an underlying theme regarding the current dismal state of the Democrat party, and its agenda.’s Chris Stirewalt pointed out Wednesday that, “An appellate court smacked down an administration bid to get President Obama’s executive amnesty program up and running while a suit from 26 states seeking to block the measure works its way through the courts.”
Mr. Stirewalt further relates, “But that’s just one piece of the heavy docket on Obama’s legacy projects. In the final years of the Obama era, courts will be passing judgment on the president’s priorities.”
Mr. Stirewalt goes on to use an article from the Washington Post to examine how Obama’s legacy is in legal jeopardy: “President Obama’s second-term agenda, it seems, is in the hands of the courts. Same-sex marriage. Obamacare. Climate change. And now immigration. And in many cases, there is significant doubt about whether his signature initiatives will stand legal scrutiny.” And why? Because he was unable or unwilling to work through Congress and opted to push the limits of executive power.”
With the president’s woes as a foundation, another article by Mr. Stirewalt adds to the deepening Democrat hole the party has willingly dug for itself, by supporting Bill Clinton’s wife as their only real presidential candidate for 2016.
Regarding Bill’s wife’s continual avoidance of most of the press, Mr. Stirewalt wrote on 5/27/15, “But those who suggest that Clinton is making a mistake in not opening up herself to the press and public suppose that she could somehow answer the questions before her. She can’t talk about how her erstwhile foundation employee was trying to profit from the Libya war she sold. She can’t explain what her husband’s unreported consulting firm was doing. She can’t explain the specifics of a Russian uranium deal she helped get approved that profited one of her patrons. She certainly can’t stand by her prior claims of why she established a secret server for emails or talk at much length about the process for reviewing those she ordered destroyed.”
However, Mr. Stirewalt’s column was written early yesterday, before another new Clinton  story broke, this one from Malia Zimmerman on who writes: “The Clintons, already under scrutiny for accepting foreign donations to their family foundation and keeping them secret from the Obama administration while Hillary Clinton served as secretary of state, have received money from another controversial source: the Federacion Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).
“Soccer’s governing body, which donated between $50,001 and $100,000 to the Clinton Global Initiative and partnered with the former president’s foundation on other projects, is entangled in an international corruption investigation spearheaded by the U.S. Department of Justice, which spans countries from Qatar and Russia to Switzerland and the United States.

“The DOJ announced charges against nine FIFA officials and five other corporate executives in a 47-count indictment unsealed Wednesday, which includes allegations that over the last two decades, its executives were involved in racketeering, money laundering and wire fraud.”

And then, we come to one of the most brazen political falsehoods ever uttered.  

Yesterday, “Hillary Clinton pointed out the absence of American’s confidence with the direction of the country and said her presidency will “restore faith and confidence and optimism in the future of the country we love.”

Parsing her sentence, there are two misrepresentations that can quickly be seen. First and foremost, the reason the nation’s moving in the wrong direction is not only that her party has led it there, but she herself was a willing participant in that leadership for four of the past six years. Which can only mean that she believes the Democrat party's wrong, yet she remains a major part of it. 

Her second premise is not only false, it’s patently insulting to her political base. Because, in order to have offered the idea that someone personally involved in the cause of a significant number of the nation’s problems can now fix what she broke, she obviously assumes that her constituents are too dumb to see the truth. And, unfortunately for half the nation, that seems to be the case.

Once again, a reader, Derbydoll wrote an accurate summation: “Surviving ten years of scandals and incompetence isn't nothing. That should qualify her to be president of France.”

That’s it for today folks.


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