Thursday, May 21, 2015


Six years of history proves quite conclusively that there‘s just about nothing that the administration does successfully. From the economy, to foreign policy, to immigration, the huge national debt and certainly health care, the nation’s gone continually backward. However, in one area, the president's proven to be equal, or perhaps even better than most others before him: loyalty to contributors.
In that regard, Nancy Benac on via Drudge writes that, “President Barack Obama is framing the challenges of climate change as a matter of national security that threatens to aggravate poverty and political instability around the globe and jeopardize the readiness of U.S. forces.
"Make no mistake, it will impact how our military defends our country," the president says in excerpts of a commencement address prepared for delivery Wednesday at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut. "And so we need to act and we need to act now."
“The president in recent months has pressed for action on climate change as a matter of health, as a matter of environmental protection and as a matter of international obligation. He's even couched it as a family matter, linking it to the worry he felt when one his daughters had an asthma attack as a preschooler.”
At this stage, following a brutal winter and quite cool spring, and 18 years of no real climate change at all, one would think that the POTUS would reconsider his position on the subject,. But that’s where the “loyalty” characteristic comes in. Because we mustn't forget, Tom Steyer and his climate-oriented organization, “NextGen Climate.”
Back in 2014, Matt Wolking, House Speaker John Boehner's communications adviser, wrote a piece on the speaker's website titled "President Obama's Other Green Agenda."
Suggesting that “Obama is confusing the color green,” Mr. Wolking writes, “Turns out their pal Tom Steyer, a California billionaire, has said that the government's green energy policies offer 'a chance to make a lot of money."
Mr. Wolking went on, “Both President Obama and Vice President Biden have held political fundraisers in Steyer's $5.8 million San Francisco mansion, and he's pledged to spend $100 million on the 2014 elections in support of anti-Keystone Democrats. So let's be honest: it's not about the science, it's about the money. The obstructionists blocking Keystone have a different kind of green agenda: big campaign donations courtesy of a billionaire super-donor.”
As far as “global warming” itself is concerned, today, May 20 2015, Chris Dolce wrote on that “Spring was spoiled by snow to start this week in parts of the Upper Midwest, Plains and Rockies thanks to a late-May chill. Snow has been reported in at least seven states since Sunday, including Colorado, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin and Wyoming.
“The top snow total was in Fairplay, Colorado, where 14 inches of snow was reported. Several other locations in the Colorado Rockies also reported over six inches of snow.”
At the same time, while the POTUS was addressing a graduating class at the Coast Guard Academy, telling his audience that, “we need to act and we need to act now," on global-warming, Jeff Cox of CNBCcom wrote, “At a time when 8.5 million Americans still don't have jobs, some 40 percent have given up even looking.” 
“The revelation, contained in a new survey Wednesday showing how much work needs to be done yet in the U.S. labor market, comes as the labor force participation rate remains mired near 37-year lows.”
Similarly, Elizabeth Harrington reported on that, “109,930,090 Americans participated in overlapping programs. 
“The federal government spent $100 billion providing food assistance to Americans last year, according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO).
“The lion’s share of spending comes from the food stamp program, which gave benefits to an average 46 million Americans in 2014, at a cost of $74.6 billion, according to a testimony from the GAO’s Director of Education, Workforce, and Income Security Kay E. Brown before the House Subcommittee on Nutrition Wednesday.”
And while all that economic misery continues to go on, POTUS has abandoned many of his strongest supporters by joining Republicans in trying to pass a potentially job-killing new foreign trade agreement. Opposition includes, according to Heidi Przybyla on, labor, teachers, seniors, Internet freedom groups, and even Sister Simone Campbell, who makes tours on a dedicated bus to highlight social issues.
Thus, while the POTUS continues his pay-back to political contributors, the nation’s real problems are exacerbated or ignored. Which means that in order to receive presidential attention the poor, jobless and hopeless need to make significant donations to his causes, which obviously is financially impossible. Resulting in an economic Catch-22.  
Which brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife, this one from Mark Hosenball on, as follows:
“Congressional investigators have issued a subpoena demanding that former Clinton White House adviser Sidney Blumenthal testify next month before the House of Representatives committee investigating the 2012 attack on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya.
“More than two years ago, a set of emails sent by Blumenthal to Hillary Clinton while she served as secretary of state were posted on the Internet by a hacker who called himself Guccifer. Blumenthal did not work for Clinton when she was secretary of state and sent those emails as a private individual.”
Mr. Hosenball explains that, “The emails included detailed private intelligence reports on events in Libya sent to Blumenthal by Tyler Drumheller, a former senior CIA officer. Some of the emails were sent around the time of the Benghazi attacks on and discussed information Drumheller's sources gave him about the attack.
“On Tuesday, The New York Times published a handful of emails showing that Clinton had passed on some of the private intelligence reports to aides and other State Department personnel. The messages show that at least one of the private intelligence reports made its way to a recipient who appears to have been Christopher Stevens, the U.S. ambassador to Libya who was killed by militants during the Sept. 11, 2012, Benghazi attacks.”
So, just like water slowly dripping on a rock, evidence mounts refuting the administration’s claims regarding the Benghazi attack, as well as the part played by Bill Clinton’s wife. And although, not clearly defined as yet, may lead to her use of a private email server while Secretary of State. 
Which leads to a question regarding her upcoming testimony before a Congressional committee. Since she’s a private citizen now, will Congress have to pay her typical $200,000 appearance fee to have her show up?
That's it for today folks.

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