Sunday, May 31, 2015


An article from CBSDC/AP about "The legendary Bob Schieffer," says he's "calling it a career Sunday as he hosts his last “Face the Nation.” He, "joined CBS News in 1969 and in that span he covered the White House, State Department, Pentagon, Capitol Hill, anchored the “CBS Evening News,” and hosted “Face the Nation” the past 24 years."
While unfamiliar with Mr. Schieffer's work, his observation regarding today's viewing public caught  the eye, as follows: "We now don’t know where people get their news, but what we do know is they’re bombarded with information 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Most of the information is wrong and some of it is wrong on purpose.”
Therefore, the first thought arising is that if "We now don’t know where people get their news," how do they know it's wrong?
Yet, what's far worse, and incredibly, overbearingly, arrogant is his high-handed belief that "It is our job to try to cut through this mall of information and tell people what we think is relevant in what they need to know. That is the job of the journalist and I have to say it’s harder and harder.”
While pompously opined, and overtly insulting to the viewing public, as Schieffer's misguided comments were, it did clearly explain why Fox News continues setting records, as does the Internet, while the mainstream media is losing audience in droves.  
Reader, I am a somewhat regular watcher of face the nation, not so much that I expect to be informed but I am interested in what one of the five corporate media outlets thinks you should believe."
And then he added a quote from Mark Twain, made many, many years ago, but still quite true today: "Those that don't read the paper are uninformed. Those that do are misinformed."

Along the same lines of publishing pap having no real current value, but filling pages of space because media outlets obviously think they have to, the following appeared on today, written by John McCormick
According to a new Bloomberg Politics/Des Moines Register Iowa Poll, "Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker has expanded his early lead in Iowa, while former Florida Governor Jeb Bush continues to face headwinds and Senator Marco Rubio of Florida shows upside potential in the state that hosts the first 2016 presidential nomination balloting.
"Walker is backed by 17 percent as the state enters a busy summer of candidate visits, a planned straw poll, and campaigning at the Iowa State Fair. Tied for second are Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at 10 percent, with Bush and former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee next at 9 percent each."
Then, farther along in the text, Mr. McCormick relates that, "Walker shouldn't count on an Iowa win just yet, especially with such a large and unsettled field. Four years ago, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney and then-Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann sat atop the Iowa Poll at 23 percent and 22 percent. Romney ultimately finished a close second in Iowa, while Bachmann ended up sixth and exited the race the following morning."

Thus, as previously noted, whereas the current status of poll ranking is actually meaningless, why bother to type and print it at all?

Which brings is to today's update on Bill Clinton's wife.

A couple of weeks ago it was proposed here that a scathing critique of former presidents, particularly "W" Bush by Maureen Dowd, was likely written to stem considerable criticism of her continual attacks and demeaning of Bill Clinton's wife. And now that some time has passed, Ms Dowd has returned to slamming her once again. 

Ms Dowd's column on today is titled, "Hooray for Hillarywood?"
Ms. Dowd asks, "Is Hollywood really ready to give a 67-year-old woman a leading role in a big-budget production?
"Hillary Clinton’s campaign has echoes of various classic movies: “Single White Female,” with Hillary creepily co-opting the identity of the more trendy Elizabeth Warren; “My Fair Lady,” with Hillary sitting meekly and being schooled on how to behave by tyrannical Pygmalions (Iowa voters); “The Usual Suspects,” with Hillary’s hoodlums, Sidney Blumenthal and David Brock, vying to be Keyser Söze; and, of course, “How to Steal a Million,” a caper about a heist plotted by a couple that doesn’t need the money."
And then, Ms Dowd gets to her real point, suggesting, "Hollywood is mostly united behind Hillary, with a few Bernie outliers and Elizabeth dreamers. But it’s a forced march."
So, the underlying problems continue to abound among loyal Democrats, many of whom aren't pleased at all by having Bill's wife foisted upon them. Which means, that once again there very well might be a true alternative to her who hasn't stepped up yet. Such as the one last time around who crawled out of the woodwork unexpectedly and went on to win the presidential election twice, instead of her.
Are you listening yet, Mayor. Bloomberg?
And finally, the following which was posted by a friend today on FB.

The Blue Street Journal's photo.

That's it for today folks.


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