A few days ago, it was mentioned here that Fox News continues to gain viewership while its liberal competition for audience keeps shrinking dramatically. The importance of the growing viewership, however, wasn’t illustrated here for any particular favoritism of Fox, but rather as an overall indication that the public in general appears to be moving toward a more conservative viewpoint. Especially among voters proclaiming to be “independent.”
On the same subject, Fox once again today seems a bellwether of changing opinion, this time in the case of one of its staunchest liberals, Kirsten Powers, who’s written a new book “The Silencing: How the Left is Killing Free Speech”
The Amazon promotional blurb describes the book this way: “Lifelong liberal Kirsten Powers blasts the Left's forced march towards conformity in an exposé of the illiberal war on free speech. No longer champions of tolerance and free speech, the "illiberal Left" now viciously attacks and silences anyone with alternative points of view. Powers asks, "What ever happened to free speech in America?"
Charles Krauthammer, a conservative and Pulitzer Prize–winning syndicated columnist, author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Things That Matter endorsed the book this way: "A searing and courageous indictment of the growing intolerance of the American left—written with passion and eloquence by one of the nation's most principled and fair-minded liberals. An important book on a subject many are simply too afraid to touch."
Interestingly though, two well-known voices on the left added their own confirmations of Ms Powers thoughts and opinions.
Ron Fournier, senior political columnist and editorial director of National Journal wrote: “Tolerance and free expression are founding values of our republic and yet they're under attack from the extreme wings of the American political spectrum. Shining a harsh light on the 'illiberal left,' Kirsten Powers exposes a grim campaign to silence speech. This is an important book."
Juan Williams, Fox News political analyst and New York Times bestselling author of Muzzled opined that, “Kirsten Powers explodes and skewers. 'The Silencing'—the demonizing and repression of different views, especially conservative views. Here is a liberal calling out other supposedly liberal people who claim to believe in free speech but tell all who disagree with them to shut up. Hallelujah—you are lucky to have this book in your hands!"
The preceding is not meant in any way to endorse the book, I haven’t even read it, and perhaps won’t. But, the fact that the author herself, along with two similar-minded high-profile left-leaning pundits have serious problems with the way that the left attempts to control information available to the public indicates significant displeasure with the tactics.
Therefore, coupling the growth of Fox News, the Republican landslide in the mid-term elections, along with unrest among ordinarily steadfast left-leaning loyalists in the media, indicates significant problems for Democrats in the upcoming presidential election.
It’s probably also why people quite close to the Democrat party, like George Stephanopoulos, keep sneaking it money. Because he knows better than most, they really need it. Now more than ever.
Which, of course, brings us to today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
Fox News confirmed Friday that, “Hillary Clinton and former President Bill Clinton earned more than $25 million combined in speaking fees since January 2014.
“Clinton’s presidential campaign reported the income in a personal financial disclosure report filed with the Federal Election Commission. The form also shows that Hillary Clinton earned more than $5 million from her 2014 memoirs, “Hard Choices.” Each White House candidate is required to disclose a financial report."
The disclosure’s interesting because, Bill’s wife, “has started her campaign for president by painting herself as a champion for the middle class.
“However, Republicans have scrutinized her about the wealth she and Bill Clinton have amassed since she left the White House. That includes their ability to command six-figure fees for delivering speeches and the finances behind the Clinton Foundation because of its acceptance of donations from foreign governments.”
So, as each day ensues, it’s extremely likely that both Clinton’s would dearly love to change the subject away from their innate desire to amass wealth above all else. However, their problem is that if the money-grubbing aspect of their existence is removed, there’s really nothing much left to talk about. Especially in her case where her personal accomplishments hover right around zero.

In closing, a friend from Massachusetts posted this on FB this morning.

That’s it for today folks.
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