Sunday, May 17, 2015


In today's Op-Ed column, Maureen Dowd excoriates W. Bush and his Iraq policy, writing, ”It took a Herculean effort of imagination, manipulation and deception to concoct “the information” that propelled the invasion, occupation and destruction of a country that had nothing to do with 9/11.”
Ms Dowd then goes to build a case, whereas hind-sight is always 20/20, she cherry-picks history to prove her point that the war against Saddam should never have been fought. Her ultimate aim, it would appear, is using W’s policies and decisions to hoist sympathetic brother Jeb from the same petard, painting both Bush’s as unfit to serve as POTUS.
Reading the column could surely cause one to believe that Ms Dowd despises both Bush’s to the n’th extent, whereas she dragged up details regarding Iraq that most have likely forgotten some time ago. However, it’s also quite possible that despite her Bush dislike, she has another motive at work.
Because, in recent weeks, Ms Dowd’s been the brunt of many who believe her continual criticism of Bill Clinton and his wife has reached the level of harassment, and that the constant repetition of their misdeeds is beneath her level of reportage. But now, by having a Bush tirade to point to, Ms Dowd can go back to hammering Bill Clinton’s wife for months to come.
What’s also interesting is the commentary from readers, who as aficionado's of the New York Times, are well-written, intellectually impressive and well thought out. However, when it comes to the reality of what actually took place in Iraq after 9/11, though those readers opinions might be written brilliantly, they’re all very wrong.   
Which brings us to todays’ update on Bill Clinton’s wife., this one from
Peter Schweizer headed a column, “Stephanopoulos, ABC have not fully disclosed Clinton ties.”
Mr. Schweizer then wrote: “Fact-driven, fair, aggressive journalism animates American politics. As an investigative journalist, I am accustomed to asking tough questions. When I publish, I expect tough questions in turn,
“That's not what ABC News This Week host and chief anchor George Stephanopoulos delivered when he interviewed me about my new book on the Clinton Foundation last month. There's a reason. Though Stephanopoulos belatedly disclosed$75,000 in donations to the foundation, he has yet to disclose his much deeper relationship with the Clinton Foundation.
“When Stephanopoulos invited me on his Sunday program, I knew that he had worked as a top adviser and campaign manager to President Bill Clinton in the 1990s, but I didn't know about his donations or his other ties to the foundation founded and overseen by the former president and his wife, potential future president Hillary Clinton.”
Mr. Schweizer then goes on to provide a significant amount of detail, illustrating specific evidence of the close relationship between Stephanopoulos and both Clinton’s, which leads to the following conclusion. 
Whereas the main-stream media is nothing more than a close partner of the left, and has been for many, many years, and Stephanopoulos himself worked in the Clinton White House, what on earth did someone as politically well-versed as Mr. Schweizer expect from him? 
That’s it for today folks.

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