While politics generally attracts the lowest life-forms imaginable as participants, Democrats seem to be the bottom of the barrel due to illogical ideals coupled with unbridled avoidance of reality while pursuing irrational goals.
An example of Democrat's unthinking reactions while trying to turn tragedy into political gains for themselves, took place Wednesday night on Fox’s “The Kelly File,” as follows: “First responders still scouring the wreckage for bodies didn’t stop politicians like New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., from immediately laying blame for the crash on Congress and a lack of infrastructure funding.”
Another, simpler, approach however might be to put some blame on the engineer suspected of being in a blackout while going 100 MPH in a 50 mph zone.
In that regard, Rush mentioned the incident on yesterday’s show, addressing a comment by Speaker Boehner.
“RUSH: Let's go to Boehner this afternoon in Washington. He was speaking at a press briefing and an unidentified female infobabe said to the Speaker of the House, "There's been some criticism, you know, you're getting from Democrats that Amtrak wasn't well-funded enough and that the Republicans are to blame for some of this."
“BOEHNER: Are you really gonna ask such a stupid question? Listen, you know, they started this yesterday. "It's all about funding. It's all about funding." Well, obviously it's not about funding. The train was going twice the speed limit. Adequate funds were there. No money's been cut from rail safety.”
The infobabe’s blatant attempt at smearing Republicans with ridiculous premises’ may be a reason that left-leaning networks are losing viewers in droves. Because underestimating audiences intelligence, coupled with “stupid questions” seems to be causing the following results.
According to mediaite.com/t staff, “MSNBC had its lowest total day ratings in close to 10 years with 49K average viewers in the demo over the course of the day. The last time MSNBC saw demo ratings this low was on July 20, 2005 when it had 45K in total day.
“In primetime, MSNBC also came in third place with just 76K in the demo compared to 337K for Fox News and 196K for CNN.”
Thus, while those on the left, including the POTUS, go out of their way to belittle, degrade and denigrate Fox, writing it off as a radical outlet, audience-wise those radicals are eating the liberals lunch.
While Fox News almost doubled CNN’s audience, there are those believing that Fox goes overboard toward the conservative side while claiming to be “fair and balanced.” And although that might be true to some extent, it doesn’t even come close to networks like ABC where, according to FoxNews.com, “News chief anchor George Stephanopoulos never disclosed to his network -- or viewers -- $50,000 in contributions he made to the Clinton Foundation in recent years, even as he waded into covering Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign and foundation controversies.”
Furthermore, since yesterday the contribution amounts been found to be even higher, presently at $75,000. Which leads one to ask if anyone thinks there's’ no bias in this guy, who not only favors his former boss, Bill Clinton, but gave him $75 grand to prove it.
On another subject, while news of the pending Iranian deal is in a temporary news hiatus, Phil Stewart and Jonathan Saul of Reuters report that, “Iranian naval vessels fired shots at a Singapore-flagged tanker in the Gulf on Thursday, in what appeared to be Iran's latest attempt to settle a legal dispute by force with passing commercial vessels, U.S. officials said.
“The incident unnerved the shipping industry just as President Barack Obama met with Gulf allies to try to allay their concerns that Iran would be empowered by a deal to curb Tehran's nuclear program in exchange for the West lifting sanctions.”
While “the White House, Pentagon and State Department declined to confirm emerging details about the episode but acknowledged concern about Iran's conduct, White House Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes said, "This is exactly the type of challenge that many of the (Gulf) partners are focused on.”
Reading and re-reading Ben Rhodes comment kept leading to the same conclusion on my part, whereas after considerable thought, I still don’t understand what he’s talking about.
And now, today’s update on Bill Clinton’s wife.
According to WashEx.com: “A major Clinton Foundation donor who stood to profit immensely from the highly scrutinized takeover of Uranium One by the Russian government struggled to explain his involvement with the charity under questioning Tuesday. Frank Holmes, one of several investors cited in a New York Times article about the deal, attempted to dismiss allegations that he had donated to the Clinton Foundation in an effort to secure Hillary Clinton's approval for the 2010 transaction during an interview on CNBC's ‘Squawk Box.’”
As it turned out, this guy fit perfectly into the Clinton mold for questionable veracity, whereas, “Several of his claims directly contradicted statements that flashed on the screen while he was speaking. A fact box on the screen indicated U.S. Global Investors, of which Holmes is CEO, held $4.7 million in shares of Uranium during the first quarter of 2011. But Holmes said his company was ‘long gone before 2008.’”
So, if the next few words don’t make sense, it’s my fault because this fraud, Holmes, has me hysterical and I never learned how to type while laughing out loud.
In closing, a friend posted this on FB yesterday.

That’s it for today folks.

That’s it for today folks.
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