Monday, February 9, 2015


An email from a friend this morning about the close-knit media relationship with the administration spurred a web-search that revealed the following item
“Why does the media support this administration? Why don’t we get the complete truth/news? This might explain it…please correct me if there are recent changes…
ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications. 
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to Jay Carney, former White House Press Secretary. Shipman is currently the senior national correspondent for ABC’s “Good Morning America.” She also blogs at the website, “True/Slant.” 
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary.
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Elizabeth Sherwood, Obama’s Special Adviser. Sherwood is executive producer of ABC’s Good Morning America, and on December 3, 2010, Sherwood was appointed president of ABC News in New York.
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to Tom Nides, Hillary Clinton’s former Deputy Secretary.” 
Additionally, “NPR’s White House correspondent, Ari Shapiro, is married to a lawyer, Michael Gottlieb, who joined the White House counsel’s office in April.
The Post’s Justice Department reporter, Sari Horwitz, is married to William B. Schultz, the general counsel of the Department of Human Services. 
[VP] Biden’s current communications director, Shailagh Murray (a former Post congressional reporter), is married to Neil King, one of the Wall Street Journal’s top political reporters. 
“This list doesn’t even include those dating and sleeping together.”
So, the information goes a very long way to explain why Fox News has become the leading source of news by far for people who actually want valid information. It also demonstrates why the major broadcast media not only suffers in market share, but why a network would retain a news reader who falsified stories about being shot down in a conflict they felt unjustified.   
On the same subject, the following story was posted on The Hill today: “The news media ‘absolutely’ overstates the risks of terrorism because stories about things like climate change aren’t ‘sexy’ and don’t drive ratings, President Obama said in an interview published Monday. ‘What's the famous saying about local newscasts, right? If it bleeds, it leads, right?’ Obama told Vox. ‘You show crime stories and you show fires, because that's what folks watch, and it's all about ratings. And, you know, the problems of terrorism and dysfunction and chaos, along with plane crashes and a few other things, that's the equivalent when it comes to covering international affairs.
“Obama said there was not going to be ‘a lot of interest’ in stories showing positive progress on issues like infant mortality or improving productivity for farmers. ‘It's not a sexy story,’ Obama said. ‘And climate change is one that is happening at such a broad scale and at such a complex system, it's a hard story for the media to tell on a day-to-day basis.’”
However, while it might be true that folks are drawn to subjects like fire and crime, they’re also incredibly concerned when their personal safety and lives are in danger, such as on September 11, 2001. Furthermore, the day that the twin towers came down changed viewers news-watching habits forever in the US.
So, the president can downplay terrorism all he wants. But, nonetheless, the viewing public is very well aware of the threats that he himself has allowed to fester and grow, which is why they watch the news diligently. And if he wants to change the channel so he can watch the climate change, that’s fine too. In fact, it might even help him to realize that this winter is turning out to be one of the coldest, snowiest seasons on record and that "climate-change" doesn’t even exist.
That's it for today folks.

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