Monday, February 16, 2015


Reading poll results, political expert’s commentary and listening to talking head’s pontificate regarding presidential candidates chances of capturing the White House in 2016 is amazing.
On one hand, America has become by far the greatest result and example that the world has ever seen of what people can accomplish in a free society. Accomplishment's have been huge in almost every walk of life while opportunity remains boundless. There is seemingly nothing Americans can’t achieve or overcome when they wish to.
Yet when it comes to their own government, these same individuals make and repeat horrendous mistakes of the most fundamental kind that exist. Because, while it’s the public that produces the wherewithal for politicians to employ to their own benefit -most often financial resources- those same politicians use those resources to curb, control and micro-mange those that produced them.
But, what’s far more dangerous is that there is no real limitation, except age and citizenship requirements, regarding qualifications for those seeking public office. While outstanding on one hand, whereas anyone can become a candidate, there is no requirement, or test, for capability. Which brings me to my point today.
For most citizens, should they have a serious problem or need of any kind, they ordinarily spend considerable time searching for the best solution. Be it a doctor, dentist, realtor, attorney, accountant, therapist or professional practitioner in any other endeavor, they’d demand references and evidence of success in similar circumstances. To take the risk of employing an unknown without proven credentials would be unthinkable.
For example, someone with any intelligence whatsoever would quite likely avoid a new surgeon who told them he’d never operated before, but has some ideas about how procedures could be accomplished cheaper and faster if the AMA would only approve this idea he came up with while thinking about heart transplants. However, even though he’d never operated before, he was brilliant, articulate, and presented himself far better then others in the field, his only drawback being that no one really knew whether his ideas worked or not. So why not give it a try? 
Yet, as ridiculous as the preceding premise is, in American presidential elections, voters allow this to happen.
Therefore, as a practical and logical matter, regardless of inexperienced candidates ability to enter the presidential race by law, the public itself should at least apply some basic logic. For those lacking similar experience, such as successful governance of a large, populous state, all that can be delivered by candidates is unproven hot air. And since any presentable, articulate, professional speaker can deliver undocumented clap-trap, until evidence of similar successful experience can be documented, unproven candidates should be avoided until they’ve done so.
Most Americans demand that much from even their auto mechanic.
Yet they’ll vote for some unqualified, inexperienced bozo who sounds good. And that, in and of itself, is beyond preposterous when it comes to selecting the president of the greatest nation on earth.
That’s it for today folks.

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