I’ve wondered for a very long time, and have mentioned here often, that it seems quite confusing that American Jews vote Democrat as often as they blindly do. And especially so in the case of the president, who not surprisingly at all is currently doing his best to strike a deal with Iran that increases that nation’s nuclear threat to Israel and Saudi Arabia, also perhaps making Iran the most powerful nation in their region.
Even more odd, when Israel needs support from the U.S., who immediately stepped up to help? None other than Republican leader in the House, Speaker John Boehner.
As a further step toward putting non-supportive Democrats in their place the Associated Press reports that Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, turned down a meeting with Senators Dick Durbin, D-Ill., and Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who on Monday invited him to meet in a closed-door session with Democrats during his visit.
Netanyahu wrote: “I regret that the invitation to address the special joint session of Congress has been perceived by some to be political or partisan. I can assure you that my sole intention in accepting it was to voice Israel's grave concerns about a potential nuclear agreement with Iran that could threaten the survival of my country." And that, “at this time could compound the misperception of partisanship regarding my upcoming visit."
As far as the Iranian negotiations are concerned, Fox News.com’s Bret Baier writes that, “The structure of the deal is being dramatically reframed by the Obama administration. As Bloomberg reports, gone is the idea of a grand bargain that would empower moderates and lead to lasting change in Iran’s leadership. This now appears to be just a temporary arms deal that could leave Iran at the brink of having nuclear weapon. That prospect looks different, though, after reading this piece from the Weekly Standard that lays out details of the funding of Al Qaeda operations. It is no wonder that Israel and Gulf State nations are worried. In a remarkable switch, these allies seem to be hoping for the ayatollah in Tehran to have a change of heart and turn the deal down. Because at this point, it seems the Obama administration is trying extremely hard to – in the president’s words – ‘get to yes.’”
The Weekly Standard piece Mr. Baier referred to is by Thomas Joscelyn to be released on March 2, 2015, as follows:
“Obama believes that the United States and the Shiite jihadists of Iran have a common interest in pushing back the Sunni jihadists of the Islamic State. If the two sides can just resolve the thorny issue of Iran’s nuclear program, Obama reportedly thinks, that will pave the way for détente, and possibly a de facto alliance against our mutual enemies. Indeed, the president entertains the idea that Iran can be America’s partner in combating Sunni extremism throughout the region.”
So, what’s taken place is that in six short years the president has changed U.S. allegiances in the Middle-East, cutting Israel loose and replacing it with Iran. Just like Chicago’s Reverend Wright has desired for at least the past twenty years that the president's been in his congregation.
As far as Chicago itself goes, yesterday a very close presidential pal took a shot in the shorts.
Chicago CBS reports that, “Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel will take on Cook County Commissioner Jesus “Chuy” Garcia in the first mayoral runoff election in Chicago history on April 7.”
The results are ominous for Emanuel not only because he failed to secure enough votes for reelection but, he “enjoyed a significant financial edge over his opponents. The mayor’s campaign raised $13.6 million for the election, compared to Chuy Garcia’s $1.4 million. He also received the backing of President Barack Obama, who supported Rahm in political ads and during an appearance in Chicago to declare the Pullman neighborhood a national monument.”
Thus, just like the results of the mid-term elections just past indicate, the president may be quite pleased with himself and his pen and his phone as he legislates all by himself. But at the rate Democrats are paying for his self-serving attitude by being voted out of office, his ink, his elected term and those of his fellow party members are all about to expire quite soon.
That’s it for today folks.
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