Thursday, February 12, 2015


A friend referred me to an article in the Washington Post last week about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu’s decision to speak to Congress on March 3, against the wishes of President Barack Obama.
The editorial’s purpose was to make clear that, “as the Obama administration pushes to complete a nuclear accord with Iran, numerous members of Congress, former secretaries of state and officials of allied governments are expressing concerns about the contours of the emerging deal…We share several of those concerns and believe they deserve a debate now—before negotiators present the world with a fait accompli.”
The editorial outlined three major areas of concern:
“First, a process that began with the goal of eliminating Iran’s potential to produce nuclear weapons has evolved into a plan to tolerate and temporarily restrict that capability.
“Second, in the course of the negotiations, the Obama administration has declined to counter increasingly aggressive efforts by Iran to extend its influence across the Middle East and seems ready to concede Tehran a place as a regional power at the expense of Israel and other U.S. allies.
“Finally, the Obama administration is signaling that it will seek to implement any deal it strikes with Iran — including the suspension of sanctions that were originally imposed by Congress — without a vote by either chamber. Instead, an accord that would have far-reaching implications for nuclear proliferation and U.S. national security would be imposed unilaterally by a president with less than two years left in his term.”
Those are not tactical concerns; they are urgent, strategic concerns with global implications.”
What the three preceding paragraphs point out clearly, is that step by step, and with a concerted effort the administration has methodically taken Iran from a potential regional threat and stood willingly by as that nation evolved into a dangerous nuclear world power. And in doing so, alienated Israel and its prime minister, effectively reversing the status of both nations within their region, and perhaps elsewhere in the world. 
Iran’s transformation took place without subterfuge, and with each step boldly taken, up to and including Iran’s stalling tactics in dismantling its nuclear capability. 
However, until Bibi Netanyahu accepted Speaker John Boehner’s invitation to address Congress, no one stood up to the White House, although the president’s objective has been clear for two years now, or longer. And for those paying attention, the current evidence of the president’s intentions should be no surprise. Because those intentions were obvious long before he was elected the first time, dating all the way beck to his long-term relationship with Reverend Wright in Chicago.  
That's it for today folks

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