Wednesday, November 26, 2014


While the citizen uprisings in Ferguson, Missouri along with the public contempt of Jonathan Gruber have grabbed the major headlines and stories in the press, Iran has quietly backed U.S. leadership into a corner once more. Which means they’ll continue their nuclear weaponry development while total washouts, like bumbling John Kerry, chase themselves in circles accomplishing absolutely nothing good for the U.S. at all.   
The washington reports today that, “Top Iranian leaders have been celebrating a recently inked extension in nuclear negotiations with the West, with leading military figures and politicians saying that the deal is a sign that the “Americans have very clearly surrendered to Iran’s might,” according to regional reports.
“With a seven-month extension in talks—originally scheduled to expire on Monday—set to start in early December, nuclear experts are predicting that Iran will continue its most controversial nuclear work and likely have enough enriched fuel for a bomb by June 2015.
Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari, commander of the Iranian Revolution Guards Corps, said late Monday following the announcement of an extension in the talks that, “The Americans have very clearly surrendered to Iran’s might, and this is obvious in their behavior in the region and in the negotiations, and the enemies’ reservations vis-a-vis Iran are completely felt."
Now, while the Iranian’s talk and bluster is good for their public image, they certainly know that if the U.S. wanted to curb, or completely shut down, that nation’s nuclear development it could certainly be accomplished handily. However, they also know that the U.S. is merely going through toothless motions, whereas the current administration is fully in favor of leaving Iran alone to do as they please militarily without interference. 
On another subject, another typical administration supporter and close friend of the incumbent president made headlines yesterday.
The, reports that: “A prominent gay rights activist charged last week with sexually abusing a 15-year-old boy is a strong supporter of President Obama who has visited the White House more than a half-dozen times in the past two years, visitor logs show.
Terrence P. Bean, 66, who raised more than a half-million dollars for Mr. Obama’s re-election campaign in 2012, last visited the White House on May 30 when he met with the president, first lady Michelle Obama and political adviser David Simas.
White House visitor logs show that Mr. Bean, co-founder of the Human Rights Campaign, a leading gay rights group, also has visited the White House on at least six other occasions since June 2012. On one visit in 2013, Mr. Bean brought along Kiah Lawson, described in news reports as his ex-boyfriend, who is also charged with sexually assaulting the juvenile.”
So, here we have additional evidence that practically any and all types of behavior are acceptable and tolerated by those on the left. And, in fact, those who find fault with the open door policy are castigated as narrow-minded, bigoted, purveyors of bias, extremism and social intolerance.
However, if this same guy and his friend visited “W” Bush when he was in office, screams for impeachment of a deviate would be repeatedly carried in every outlet of the liberal press nationwide.
That’s it for today folks.

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