Saturday, November 15, 2014


Presently, talking heads across the media are trying to determine just how much Jonathan Gruber’s demeaning of the American public will cost Democrats and especially the incumbent president. In that regard, Rush once again dissected the situation brilliantly, using Ron Fournier, of the National Journal, formerly AP bureau chief in Washington, DC as his model liberal for discussion.
Whereas Rush’s analysis is well worth reading, a link to the transcript follows, while several key points continue below.
Rush quotes Fournier as saying:  "If there's one thing that unites clearheaded Americans, it's a belief that our leaders must be transparent and honest." (Guess he never heard of the Clinton’s, Agnew or Nixon.)
To which Rush replies: “No, ” then continues, “"If there's one thing that unites clearheaded Americans, it's the belief that our leaders [are not] transparent and honest!" That's what's dawning on people. Yeah, in theory we would hope that they govern as they campaign.  We would hope that they're telling us the truth when they tell us who they are and what they believe.  The sad reality is "clearheaded Americans" are more and more beginning to doubt that their leaders are honest with them, nor are they transparent.”
Rush also has a well-thought out explanation for Gruber’s saying about the health care tax that, “we had to lie because the American people are too stupid to understand what we're doing.”
Rush's rejoinder: “You know, it sounds to me like what Gruber's actually saying is, they had to lie in order to keep from blowing up the relationship they had with the media.  If you read Fournier's piece, it's clear he was all-in, 'cause he wanted this.  He's a good liberal and he's got compassion and he cares about the poor, and he cares about the budget, and he wants the uninsured to be covered.  It's the only fair thing to do!  We can't bust the budget, and there's the Democrats running around saying it's exactly what it's gonna do.
And so he believes it.  It sounds to me like what Gruber actually is saying, they had to lie because of the stupidity of the media. They had to lie so as not to blow up the media bubble that they had created. The media was all-in. The media was thinking it's the greatest thing since sliced bread. The media and the left thought it was compassion central, gonna take care of the poor and the downtrodden, the hungry and the thirsty.  And if the truth had come out... look at Fournier's reaction today.  What if Fournier had this reaction in 2009?  What if others in the media had this reaction they had yesterday and today in 2009?”
And finally, Rush hits the nail on the head with: “Because what the Gruber story illustrates is that the left lies about everything and they will lie about everything in order to get what they want, and they will assume that you're either too stupid -- I actually think they think you're too smart.  They can't be honest with you because you would reject it, that makes you too smart, not too stupid.
If you were really as stupid as they think, they wouldn't have to lie.  If you were as stupid as Gruber runs around saying, they could say whatever they want, you'd be too stupid to believe it or understand it, and they could get done what they wanted.  The fact that they have to lie, predicated on the fact that you're too stupid, actually means that you're wise to them.  You'll see through what they want to do, even though they're trying to cover it up.” And that's precisely the situation.
On another issue. While the incumbent president was busy yesterday pledging three billion of taxpayer money to combat global-warming, Reuters was publishing the following story.
“Prices for slaughter-ready or cash cattle in the U.S. Plains hit an all-time high on Friday, fueled by an early winter storm at a time of the smallest herd since the early 1950s.
Some beef packers paid record cattle prices of $171 to $172 per hundredweight (cwt) in parts of Kansas and Nebraska. That topped the previous high of $170 set three weeks ago and was up as much as $5 from last week's sales.
This week, early wintry weather blew across the Midwest packing heavy snow in the northern Plains along with bitterly cold temperatures that stretched as far south as Texas.
"We got an added boost from the weather market," said Jim Robb, director of the Colorado-based Livestock Marketing Information Center.
Frigid temperatures made it difficult to sort cattle, said analysts. And, treacherous driving conditions snarled transportation of cattle to packing plants, they said.”
And then finally, it’s back to the Clinton’s again.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, “At an American Federation of Teachers event in Washington D.C., on Thursday, Vice President Joe Biden subtly undercut Hillary’s oft-repeated claim that the Clinton economy sustained a vibrant middle class. 
“The fact is, the middle class started declining in the late 1980s,” he said. “All through the ’90s, with the exception of two years, the middle class was declining — except for the last two years.”
So, here we have a leading Democrat who’s sniping at Bill Clinton’s wife, although she hasn’t even announced presidential candidacy yet. Which means that as the 2016 election draws closer, the gloves will really come off to the extent that, with all of their inside information regarding each other, future disclosures by both will likely destroy the two contenders altogether.
That’s it for today folks.

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