Sunday, November 2, 2014


While most polls indicate that many key electoral races are too close to call at present, pundits still predict a Republican takeover of the Senate. Nonetheless, advertising dollars keep pouring in for both major parties, in last minute attempts to sway those who are still undecided.
As far as “undecided’s” are concerned, it seems incredible that at this late date anyone truly intending to vote has yet to make up their mind. Especially since in this particular election, lines have been clearly drawn regarding major issues.
Those favoring continuation of growing government, high taxation and increasing dependence on the administration will almost surely vote Democrat, while those seeking a strong economy, increased military strength, border security and a return to full employment will ordinarily vote Republican. And since those lines have been quite clearly drawn for almost six years now, it’s extremely likely that those still claiming they haven’t made made up their minds aren’t going to vote at all.
Nonetheless, pollsters and pundits are still discussing the elections, most trying to predict the outcomes. In that regard, yesterday on Fox TV’s Wall Street Journal Report, Host Paul Gigot interviewed GOP pollster Whit Ayers.
What was most interesting was Mr. Ayers input on how major environmentalists are not only pouring huge sums into Congressional campaigns, but manipulating their spending in order to gain significant influence with candidates gaining electoral victory.
For example, in most of the nation, the environment and global-warming is last on the list of likely voter concerns, if it’s considered at all. Therefore, activists such as Tom Steyer, are investing significant funds into candidates strongest other causes, such as contraception, abortion, and gay marriage, hoping for Democrat wins. And then, if victory is gained, climate-change will then be introduced by those elected as a key issue in return for the funds received when electioneering.
While to date it seems that the only state that’s buying the global-warming story is Florida, it’s also interesting to learn that the environmentalist investment in campaigns is much larger than that of the often vilified oil-refiners, the Koch brothers.
However, while local election wins would surely help the environmentalist cause, the most important ally was bought and paid for a long time ago. Because no matter how the Congressional elections turn out, the incumbent president will remain in the White House.
That's it for today folks.

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