Saturday, November 1, 2014


It may be far too early, but an article by Jackie Calmes in yesterdays New York Times indicates that should the Democrats fair poorly in Tuesday’s elections, a major mistake was likely their misjudgment regarding the issues most important to women, a usually very reliable voting bloc.  
Ms Calmes writes: “Democrats are nervously counting on an enduring edge among female voters in most states to prevent a Republican rout in Tuesday’s elections. Yet so great is the uncertainty that even before the returns are in, some are second-guessing the party’s strategy of focusing more on issues like abortion and birth control than on jobs and the economy.”
And that’s really no surprise, because it’s been the history of the Democrat party, and especially its leadership, to always ignore economic issues entirely. As clearly evidenced by the performance of the current presidential incumbent, who has no concerns or cares whatsoever about the productive sectors of the society he leads, except for demands that they pay everyone else’s bills.
What’s even more ridiculous, for elected officials who depends on voter preferences to gain and retain their posts, is that Democrats are so focused on issues they deem important, virtually always social in nature, they don’t even realize how the demographics of their own constituencies are changing. Because, today in the US the number of single and/or working women keeps expanding rapidly. And therefore, issues like employment opportunity and higher wages mean as much, if not more, than they do to men.
That’s why, Anna Greenberg, a Democratic pollster, believes, as do many others, the party’s suffering because not enough’s been done on abortion and birth control also “complains their party has not effectively espoused a broader economic agenda, when women tell pollsters their top concern is jobs and the economy.”
Consequently, whereas there are virtually no issues that the current presidential incumbent and his party has done well or correctly, it’s really no wonder that all that’s left to promote and tout is climate change, and raising fears about global-warming.
Unfortunately though, not only does it seem that Mother Nature has other ideas, she appears to be purposely flaunting her powers over mankind by bringing record early cold to the incumbent’s home town.
According to NBC News, “An arctic blast is giving millions of people a real reason to shiver on Halloween.”.
“Trick-or-treaters from the Midwest to the Mississippi Valley to the East Coast face a deep chill Friday, and strong, freezing winds are taking hold across the Great Lakes region, which is expecting the season’s first lake-effect snow. Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport had already seen more than 260 flight cancellations and delays by early Friday afternoon because of the winds and snow, according to
The southern Appalachians are expected to get up to 8 inches of snow by Saturday morning, forecasters say. Record low temperatures are expected as far south as Miami.
“It’s certainly unusual,” Weather Channel lead meteorologist Michael Palmer said. “It’s early for snow in many areas, and the temperatures are definitely lower than we would expect.” In the Midwest, winds gusting to 50 mph and snow showers are expected around a stormy Lake Michigan.”
On the same topic, Roy W. Spencer, who received his Ph.D. in meteorology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1981 and was awarded NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal for global temperature monitoring work with satellites and has provided congressional testimony several times on the subject of global warming, hosts his own website. 
Today, Dr. Spencer reports that, “the earliest snows on record are beginning to occur in the Carolinas.
“Columbia, SC has just experienced their earliest snow in 125 years of weather records, beating the Nov. 9, 1913 earliest snow record by 8 days. Current South Carolina weather shows it’s still snowing in Greenville, SC.” And, “The Christian Science Monitor is reporting Greenville was especially hard hit with downed trees and power outages. The Smokey Mtns received up to 16 inches overnight.”
So, although its still far too early to predict the outcome of next Tuesday’s Congressional elections, if the early predications prove to be true, the Democrat party has no one to blame but themselves.
Because every single issue that cost them votes was one they chose to pursue, regardless. And while that made their leadership, and top contributors extremely happy, it appears that although voters, including their own usually reliable base, didn’t agree with them, they went ahead and committed ideological and political suicide anyhow. 
That’s it for today folks.

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