Finding the following item on Drudge yesterday, I re-read it several times, to be sure I wasn’t hallucinating. But no matter how carefully I pored over the text, the information within remained the same, as follows:
“Liberal site Policy.Mic decries the president’s failure to expand ObamaCare in his sweeping executive action on immigration: “His latest actions do not provide those newly-protected immigrants access to health care benefits under the Affordable Care Act, preventing millions of people from purchasing coverage and receiving subsidies. Obama could have, within the parameters of existing law, broadened the scope of the program as part of his executive action.”
So, for those on the far left, granting amnesty to those entering the nation illegally isn’t enough. According to them, those earning incomes and carrying the nation’s tax-burden on their shoulders should also be required to fund the costs of the law-breaker's health care costs as well. Which can only lead one to suspect that those demanding the extension of hand-outs are part of the 50% of the population living on one government subsidy or another, contributing absolutely nothing to the economy themselves.
Along the same lines, according to Heritage Foundation's poverty expert Robert Rector regarding the costs of the amnesty granted illegal aliens; “The net cost — which is total benefits minus total benefits paid in — of the amnesty recipients I estimate will be around $2 trillion over the course of their lifetime,” Rector explained in an interview with Breitbart News Monday. He added that the calculation is based on the assumption that 4 million undocumented immigrants will participate and they will live, on average, 50 years.
“What [Obama] is doing is he is putting these 4 million people — who on average have a 10th grade education — into the Social Security and Medicare programs.
“With the expected earnings for an individual with that level of education, he explained that the amnestied immigrants will take vastly more out than they will contribute to those programs.
“Given their expected earnings, from someone that has a 10th grade education, they will draw about three dollars worth of benefits out of those programs over their lifetimes for every dollar they put into them. But the overall cost in outlays will be around a trillion dollars for those programs alone,” Rector explained.
So, in regard to the cost effect of those being granted immunity, although having entered the nation illegally, those on the far left feel that while a $2 trillion expenditure is quite acceptable, it may not be enough. Which makes one wonder if those same liberals would feel the same way if that money were taken from them, and not just from those earning incomes.
That’s it for today folks.
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