Thursday, November 13, 2014


When any organization, regardless of its chosen endeavor, has no functional capabilities or talents, its virtually impossible to achieve any kind of tangible or meaningful managerial results.
And that’s what the current administration is faced with now, whereas it is comprised of hucksters and political types, having no practical experience in governance whatsoever. Yet it’s still trying to run the formerly most successful nation in the free world without the most basic capabilities.
Evidence of the administrative talent lack can be seen in virtually every segment of the nation’s various areas requiring operational skills, such as the economy, education, foreign policy, the environment and most certainly, health care.
As far as health care’s concerned, the last few days have been quite embarrassing for the administration, and especially the White House, as reported by Lucy McCalmont on, as follows
“The White House is denouncing comments from key Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber that a lack of transparency and the stupidity of voters helped in the passage of the health care law and is instead pointing a finger at Republicans.”
In response, having no valid rejoinder, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest said during a press briefing in Burma that, “The fact of the matter is, the process associated with the writing and passing and implementing of the Affordable Care Act has been extraordinarily transparent.”
Now, while that statement is patently false, Earnest went on to rejoinder with a typical politician’s tactic of smearing rivals when caught red-handed in an untenable situation.
Earnest said; “It is Republicans who have been less than forthright and transparent about what their proposed changes to the Affordable Care Act would do in terms of the choices available to middle class families,”and that, “[T]he president is proud of the transparent process that was undertaken to pass that bill into law.”
However, anyone with an iota of interest in the subject knows full well by now that if nothing else, Republicans have been crystally clear about their conclusions regarding the health care tax. And were they to have their way, they'd immediately repeal it in total. But, if that alternative wasn’t possible they’d at least permit cross-state-line competition for coverage and stop all protections to the administration’s allies in the medical insurance business for starters.
Which makes one wonder about the degree to which a guy named “Earnest” would fabricate the truth to cover up one of the worst pieces of legislation ever foisted on the income-producing half of the American public.
On the same subject, and also from, “House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi dismissed Gruber’s role in Obamacare on Thursday, telling the press, “I don’t know who he is. He didn’t help write our bill.”
In response, “Many outlets were quick to point out that Pelosi cited Gruber in a “Health Insurance Reform Mythbuster” on her official website in 2009.”
Therefore, today’s responses from key administration and Congressional individuals leads to a truly interesting question. Because if somewhere, sometime, one of them actually did tell the truth to the public, or anyone else, how would they know?
That’s it for today folks.  

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