Sitting here typing each day with virtually no reader feedback provides no real guidance whatsoever. Which is why, when my thoughts and opinions are confirmed by a majority of people, its extremely reassuring to find that for the past four years, despite the biased slant in the media, I’ve actually been correct all along.
Chris Stirewalt opines in his column on Fox this morning: “But what ought to truly terrify Democrats who are running for office is that a president whose unofficial foreign motto was recently revealed to be “don’t do stupid sh*t” is widely seen as incompetent. Obama was viewed as less competent than both of his predecessors, with a 48-percent plurality saying that Obama’s administration is less competent than that of George W. Bush, including 18 percent of Democrats. That’s dire, given Bush’s low ratings on those issues at this point in his tenure. Worse still, the poll shows that 55 percent of voters, including 53 percent of female voters, believe the president has made America less safe."
Then further on it was noted that “[As] to the question of whether negotiating with the Islamist terrorist group would encourage more American hostages to be taken, 84 percent agreed." Which is something that should come as no surprise to anyone at all having even an iota of knowledge of how our nation's enemies think.
Columnist George Will compared the incumbent’s actions to Richard Nixon’s abuses of power this way: “The 44th president, channeling - not for the first time - the 37th (in his post-impeachment conversation with David Frost), may say: ‘When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal.’ Already the administration says events dictated a speed that precluded complying with the law. … This episode will be examined by congressional committees, if they can pierce the administration's coming cover-up, which has been foreshadowed by the response to congressional attempts to scrutinize the politicization of the Internal Revenue Service. If the military stalls on turning over files to Congress pertaining to the five years of Bergdahl's absence, we will at least know that there is no national institution remaining to be corrupted.”
And then, while the incumbent continued his negative slide, Vladimir Putin opined about Bill Clinton’s wife, as follows: “According to [an] English transcript, released by the Kremlin Wednesday, Putin criticized Clinton for being “weak.” “It’s better not to argue with women,” said the Russian president. “But Ms. Clinton has never been too graceful in her statements. Still, we always met afterwards and had cordial conversations at various international events. I think even in this case we could reach an agreement. When people push boundaries too far, it’s not because they are strong but because they are weak. But maybe weakness is not the worst quality for a woman.”
At the same time, while Putin put her down as weak, some of her cohorts whined about Willy’s wife being treated unfairly in the press, whereas according to them, she hasn’t even announced her presidential candidacy yet.
Apparently “Sources said [a] meeting included Clinton advisers Philippe Reines and Huma Abedin, as well as Times Washington bureau chief Carolyn Ryan and national political reporter Amy Chozick, who has been on the Clinton beat for the paper. During the closed-door gathering, Clinton aides reportedly griped about the paper’s coverage of the potential 2016 candidate, arguing that Clinton has left public office and not be subjected to harsh scrutiny, according to a source familiar with the discussions.”
So, this squad of Kool Aid drinkers wants it both ways. While they have no compunctions whatsoever about Bill’s missus fundraising, making appearances nationwide and granting selective press interviews at her pleasure, in their view everyone else should be stifled unless they have good things to say about the carpetbagger from Arkansas.
Then again, they have a quite valid desire. Because, with so little accomplished in her past, aside from marriage to a national political fixture, since there’s not very much good to offset her lack of skills, silencing strong rivals can be critical to her electability in the future.
That’s it for today folks.
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