Saturday, June 14, 2014


There’s really not much point in mentioning the horrendous mistakes the administration’s made in abandoning U.S. gains in Iraq. Every passing hour adds to the errors compiling throughout the Middle-East, while media outlets chronicle every move. 
Nonetheless, what the foreign policy miscues illustrate is that not only do the incumbent’s gross incapability's demonstrate almost total incompetence, but even worse, he’s proven he can get completely away with them. And in that regard, another situation here at home proves the point beyond doubt.  
Fox News on-line reports that, “The Internal Revenue Service told Congress Friday it has lost a trove of emails to and from Lois Lerner, a central figure in the agency's Tea Party controversy, sparking outrage from congressional investigators who have been probing the agency for more than a year. 
The IRS said it cannot locate many of Lerner's emails prior to 2011 because her computer crashed during the summer of that year.” 
And although this latest excuse ranks right along with the standard grade school student’s plea that “the dog ate my homework,” there’s little doubt that Ms. Lerner will get away with  it. 
So, its no wonder that all the incumbent really does is travel to places, here and abroad, where he can play golf unencumbered by the responsibility’s of his office. Because, as has been proven consistently for the past five years, nobody in either party’s going to step up and stop him. 
That’s it for today folks. 

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