It’s truly amazing to watch the administration's misjudgments and mistakes compile in what has to be the most incredible self-destruction in history.
When campaigning, the incumbent made U.S. disengagement in Iraq a centerpiece of his re-election campaign. He even attacked Mitt Romney for saying a too-speedy withdrawal had destabilized the country.
Now, today, Iraqi allies are pleading for America’s help in staving off a rapidly advancing Islamist army that has captured multiple cities American forces suffered heavy casualties in liberating.
As far as judgment errors are concerned, in Daniel Halper’s, The Blog in the Weekly Standard he quotes Joe Biden who said this about withdrawal: "I am very optimistic about -- about Iraq. I mean, this could be one of the great achievements of this administration. You're going to see 90,000 American troops come marching home by the end of the summer. You're going to see a stable government in Iraq that is actually moving toward a representative government."
Biden went on; “I spent -- I've been there 17 times now. I go about every two months -- three months. I know every one of the major players in all of the segments of that society. It's impressed me. I've been impressed how they have been deciding to use the political process rather than guns to settle their differences."
Now, as it turns out, while Biden was standing around being “impressed,” Iraqi militants were busy planning on how to take the country back, which obviously he missed completely.
Then, yesterday, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel gave congressional testimony about the incumbent’s disregarding a law requiring him to notify Congress about releasing enemy fighters from the prison at Guantanamo Bay. Hagel said: “I value the Defense Department’s partnership with this Congress, and the trust we’ve developed over the years. I know that trust has been broken. I know you have questions about that.” And then, he added that he would do it again.
So, here we have an administration that despite continually proving their lack of knowledge and incompetence, when caught red-handed flouting laws, as well as ignoring the U.S. Congress, proudly proclaims that not only do their mistakes not matter to them, they’d willingly and willfully repeat their errors.
Then, on “Special Report with Bret Baier” retired Air Force Maj. Eric Stahl, who served as commander and pilot of the C-17 aircraft that was used to transport the corpses of the four Americans killed in the Benghazi attacks… said members of a CIA-trained Global Response Staff who raced to the scene of the attacks were ‘confused’ by the administration’s repeated implication of the video as a trigger for the attacks, because “they knew during the attack…who was doing the attacking.” Stahl told Baier: “Right after they left the consulate in Benghazi and went to the [CIA] safehouse, they were getting reports that cell phones, consulate cell phones, were being used to make calls to the attackers' higher ups.’”
Thus, in this case, not only did terrorists attack the Benghazi consulate, they used equipment they stole from that very site to aid their actions. And although its doubtful that any administration could perform as poorly as this one, its incredible that they keep finding ways to outdo their mistakes.
Which leads to another error to be paid for by the public.
According to the Daily Caller: “Most employers expect Obamacare to hike their health insurance costs and are responding by boosting their workers’ share of the cost, according to a Wednesday survey. Eighty-eight percent of companies expect Obamacare itself to increase the cost over providing health care to employees, according to a study by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans which questioned close to 700 human resources and health benefits professionals.”
So, while the administration continues to significantly harm citizens in general, regardless of political affiliation or preference, the likely candidate for next time around seems to be dong some self-destruction.
Fox news Chris Stirewalt reports that “Most politicians would kill for a 54 percent favorability rating, but for the 2016 Democratic frontrunner the number is a troubling sign. As Hillary Clinton’s campaign blitz surrounding her latest book drags on amid gaffes and fudgy facts, her previously stratospheric ratings have begun to slide. A new Gallup poll shows Clinton down a dozen points since leaving her post as secretary of state, with a 5-point drop since February. Partly that is because Clinton’s candidacy is forcing perceptions through a more partisan prism and partly because she is disappointing the massive expectations she and her campaign organization have created for her.”
Now, there’s certainly plenty of time until November 2016. But, for someone like Bill Clinton’s wife who can do nothing but rest on her laurels, the road ahead can only get rougher. Because, in her case, aside from marrying Bill, there really aren’t any laurels at all.
That’s it for today folks.
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