Thursday, June 19, 2014


Far too many possibilities exist to attempt to dissect what’s really transpiring in Iraq at present, as well as the rest of the Middle-East.
In fact, the only thing that's certain about the situation is that any and all advantages gained by the U.S. have been totally squandered by the incumbent’s having turned his back on the entire region.
A continuing response to those that feel U.S. intervention is needed has been that we’ve already done all that we could. And beyond that, the problem rests among those nations in the area, not with us.
However, as one commentator opined yesterday, ISIS certainly is a threat to us, while leaving them unbridled emboldens them further. And to ignore the danger is to forget that the world changed for the U.S. on September 11, 2001, which cannot be allowed again.
On the continuing saga of Bill Clinton's wife’s trek toward a presidential run, Matt Wilstein of Mediaite via Drudge headed his column, “Hillary Interview Ratings Underwhelm on CNN and Fox.”
He writes: “As for that book she’s been dutifully promoting, sales show some signs of flagging as well. While Hard Choices debuted at #2 overall on Amazon, it has since dropped to #5 behind a book about a 10-day green smoothie juice cleanse.”
Therefore, it seems that most American readers prefer smearing themselves with green goop than reading a political posturing book. So, next time, maybe the Clinton’s would be better off writing about Bill’s love for Big Mac’s, fries and shakes.
That’s it for today folks.

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