Sunday, June 15, 2014


According to Fox, in a commencement speech at the University of California on Saturday, the incumbent “forged ahead with his second-term agenda, asking college graduates to join his fight to curb global warming and to welcome young illegal immigrants into the county.”
And while he was talking, ISIS militants continued toward Bagdad in their march to take over as much of Iraq as they can. 
What is most interesting about the situation is that although the attack itself seems a direct result of incredibly bad decisions in U.S. foreign policy over the past five years, the terrorist leader, Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, was caught by U.S. troops in 2005, held captive for four years and then released.
Therefore, while there’s very little doubt that the five enemy fighters recently released from Guantanamo Bay will return to leadership positions, the administration not only doesn’t learn from past mistakes, it repeats them over and over again, each time getting worse.
It’s also quite intriguing to remember that many of the problems arising in the region today were predicted by Mitt Romney in the last presidential campaign.
In that regard, according to the Los Angeles Times, on Friday he addressed Bill Clinton’s wife’s foreign policy record, saying that her "challenge will not be about wealth or poverty, but instead will be about her record as secretary of State."
"That record has been extraordinarily lacking and ineffective," he said, “It is hard to think of a place in the world where our foreign policy interests were enhanced by virtue of her serving as secretary of State. And the eruption of challenges throughout the world just underscores the ineffectiveness of the foreign policy of the Obama administration, of which she was obviously a key part."
So, I guess, since Mr. Romney’s absolutely correct about foreign policy mistakes, anyone in the incumbent’s shoes today would much prefer to talk about the weather instead of how badly they’ve done with everything else they've touched. 
That’s it for today folks.

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