Friday, January 31, 2014


After blocking the Keystone XL for five years without good reason, other than appeasing environmentalist constituents, the incumbent got some very bad news today. Fox News on-line reports that, "The State Department is expected to release an environmental analysis on the Keystone XL oil pipeline as early as Friday that may disappoint environmentalists and opponents of the proposed project, according to individuals briefed on the matter.”

Reading the details, however, discloses some truly incredible information. Shawn Howard, a Keystone spokesman said, "Fifteen thousand pages of scientific and technical study published in four environmental analysis reports since 2010 have all concluded this project would have minimal impact on the environment. We don't see how the final report would come to a different conclusion." 

So, here we have a guy in the White House claiming to be trying his best to help the economy recover while sitting on legislation that would not only create thousands of jobs almost immediately, it would keep billions of dollars from flowing for no reason into the Middle-East. 

As far as opponents go at present, all that’s left is the lame excuse that the number of jobs to be created is “unknown.”

Consequently, its truly incredible that in today’s world, the incumbent can get away with this kind of damage to the nation he’s supposedly heading.

On another matter, many hard-line Republicans are upset because Speaker Boehner seems to be bending regarding illegal aliens. But since it’s highly unlikely that the illegals will really be rounded up and deported any time soon, it appears he’s using an opportunity to get the best he can under the circumstances. And, it’s certainly not a free ride for those that are here. 
First of all, according to Politico on-line“The principles stress that undocumented immigrants will have to go through the current immigration system and complete several prerequisites. Criminals will not be eligible for legalization at all.”

Additionally, “These persons could live legally and without fear in the U.S., but only if they were willing to admit their culpability, pass rigorous background checks, pay significant fines and back taxes, develop proficiency in English and American civics, and be able to support themselves and their families (without access to public benefits),” according to a draft of the document.”

But then, here’s the most important criteria of all. ‘None of this can happen before specific enforcement triggers have been implemented to fulfill our promise to the American people that from here on, our immigration laws will indeed be enforced.’

And especially, that the borders will be secured. 

Consequently, while Charles Schumer thinks he’s going to win immigration concessions and has outsmarted Republican leadership, it’s highly probable that he’s painted himself in a corner as usual. Because, if you searched from here to the outermost galaxy, you couldn’t find anyone dumber than that grade A dunce from new York.

Aside from Schumer, Dem’s in general are now evidently sensing that their days in power are quickly ending. reports that Henry Waxman of California is retiring after 40 years, as follows: “During a congressional career that began when Gerald R. Ford was president, Waxman became one of the Democratic Party's most prolific and savvy legislators, focusing on issues related to healthcare and the environment.”
So, no matter how Dem’s in general, and the incumbent in particular try to spin it, they all know they’ve made colossal blunders setting policy and choosing issues. And that’s why so many of them are “retiring” voluntarily now, rather than having voters do it for them in November.
That’s it for today folks.

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