Thursday, January 30, 2014


In a Facebook recap of Rush’s reaction to the incumbent’s SOTU speech, he points out the huge discrepancy between the incumbent’s rhetoric and reality. 
In a nutshell, Rush set the premise this way: “I mean, if you watched it and you were from Mars, you would think that this country has never had a stronger economy. We have never been positioned better. We are kicking butt. We are kicking butt and taking names.  We are just rocking.  We are tearing it down.  We are the envy of the world.  I would have never known how good things are had I not watched this speech.”
He continued, “But this speech is the kind of disconnect that gets people in the private sector fired or sued or committed.  It was so far off from reality.  So here in the middle of talking about how many jobs have been created and how great the job recovery's going, we got a whole segment on the need for job training centers. 
Why are 50 million people on food stamps, Mr. President?  Twenty million more people on food stamps than when you were inaugurated.  Why, if the economy is growing so rapidly and if job creation is so momentous, why do we need emergency unemployment extensions?  Why are 92 million Americans on the sidelines?  If we've got such a robust, roaring economy, and the job market is racing back to normal, why are 92 million Americans not in it? 
And then “Why are there 20 million more Americans on food stamps than when he was inaugurated?  Why do we need endless emergency unemployment extensions?”
Rush then provided the answer: “The answer is because he has been president since 2009.  That's why.  Why are so many Americans losing their health insurance?  Why are so many Americans now unable to afford health insurance after the implementation of Obamacare?
Because he has been president since 2009.”
Making matters worse for the health care tax, Fox News on-line discloses that, “A new report released just as Americans begin submitting their federal tax returns finds the agency in crisis.
For example, a staggering 20 million calls to the IRS went completely unanswered last year.”
So, what does that imply for management of the health care tax and those who need medical attention of any kind? The answer is, it's going to be a complete and utter disaster. 
And lastly, here’s some ammunition for whatever Republican winds up contending with Bill’s wife in 2016.
According to CBSDC “For all these people who stand up for Bill Clinton, saying ‘He’s the greatest thing since sliced bread,’ he was a serial philanderer but he also is someone who took advantage of women in the workplace,” Rand Paul told CBS News.”
Now, from Rand Paul’s point of view, he was targeting Bill himself, and the philandering he’s done. However, there’s another question to be asked, which is: Why is that so?
The most likely answer is that Bill, who knows his wife best doesn’t like her very much either. To the extent that he’d risk the damage to his reputation and perhaps, even his presidency, to cavort with someone else.
Therefore, you couldn't find a better testimonial as to what she’s really like, than the one demonstrated to the entire world by her husband who evidently can't stand her himself.
That’s it for today folks.

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