Tuesday, January 21, 2014


While the wheels continue to fall off the entire administration, most of the failures involve the incumbent himself.
Aside from instituting anti-business policies that have stagnated the economy while increasing true unemployment, the nation’s relinquished its position in foreign affairs. While adding to that the killing of the leading healthcare system in the world, another presidential dream has also failed completely.
Bret Baier the Fox News anchor wrote a column today headed, “As Obama hammers ‘income inequality,’ gap grows under his presidency.”
Although the incumbent railed on incessantly about equaling opportunity and targeting the “rich,” the actual results of his performance show the complete reverse.  
According to Mr.Baier, the top 1 percent saw a 45 percent increase in income under Clinton and a 65 percent increase under Bush. 
However, “That number has dramatically increased since Obama's inauguration in 2009. By 2012, the top 1 percent was back to where it was decades ago -- taking in about a quarter of all pre-tax income. Yet the bottom 90 percent saw their share fall below 50 percent for the first time in history.”
Overall performance has gotten so bad that even a liberal icon has had enough. According to Garth Kant of wnd.com/2014 via Drudge, the legendary liberal Nat Hentoff urges Obama's impeachment.
The article resonated with me because Mr. Hentoff  mentioned an issue I’ve been writing about for years. The complete deterioration of the educational system in the nation, as follows: “A big part of the problem, the journalist believes, is what he calls the utter ignorance of a huge portion of the population, which is not outraged at losing its basic right to be self-governing.”
He continues, “And Obama doesn’t give a damn, because he can get away with whatever he wants.”
Mr. Hentoff then goes o to provide some examples of “Obama changing or issuing laws with the stroke of a pen by issuing executive orders including:
Delaying the employer mandate in Obamacare
Changing the types of plans available under Obamacare
Ensuring abortions would be covered under Obamacare
Enacting key provisions of the failed Dream Act to halt deportations of illegal immigrants
Enacting stricter gun-control measures
Sealing presidential records
Creating an economic council
Creating a domestic policy council
Changing pay grades
So, what we have here is further evidence of party faithful's who have had enough flowering talk while watching results deliver the complete reverse. Which means that once again, all that Republicans need do is stand quietly by as their competition self-destructs. Because as things stand now, the only one’s that can beat them in November is themselves.
And finally, I can’t let the entry end without mention of another trend. This one regarding global-cooling.
Kristina Pydynowski of Accuweather.com reports that, “Along the leading edge of the invading polar blast, accumulating snow was spreading from the Midwest to the East Coast on Tuesday.
Snow was reaching the mid-Atlantic coast during Tuesday midday and afternoon, and will then turn northeastward toward southeastern New England Tuesday evening.
As the storm gains strength Tuesday night, blizzard conditions may unfold in portions of Long Island, southeastern New England and during Wednesday in portions of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia.”
Which, I guess, is why I saw AlGore on my corner this morning setting up a stand to sell fur coats and hats, snow shoes, skis and sleds because, after all, a guy’s got to make a buck, no matter.
That's it for today folks.

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