While most of the news regards additional detail on many ongoing issues, aside from the stock-market’s sell-off, there’s not very much of particular note.
Nonetheless, there’s considerable media focus on the incumbent's upcoming State of the Union Address, which I have no interest in whatsoever. However, the subject does raise an interesting question, speech-wise. Because here’s a guy who delivers at least one speech a day all year long, so how does anyone know which one’s the State of the Union? And if they do, why would anyone who doesn't have to listen job-wise care at all?
In that regard, Peggy Noonan, of the Wall Street Journal via Drudge, put it perfectly by heading her column today: ‘”The Sleepiness of a Hollow Legend.”
In it, she points out that the incumbent’s goal is to stress a host of other issues he plans to address, downplaying or avoiding altogether any discussion of his health care tax headaches, as follows:
“The bigger problem is that the president stands up there Tuesday night with ObamaCare not a hazy promise but a fact. People now know it was badly thought, badly written and disastrously executed. It was supposed to make life better by expanding coverage. It has made it worse, by throwing people off coverage. And—as we all know now but did not last year—the program was passed only with the aid of a giant lie. Now everyone knows if you liked your plan, your doctor, your deductible, you can't keep them.”
So, in that single paragraph, Ms Noonan covers the issue precisely. Because no matter how many blustering speeches the incumbent delivers, the words no longer matter a whit whereas hard reality’s finally sinking in.
And, speaking of how reality has a way of bringing out the truths of most matters, as time goes by another all talk, no substance political hack is finding that incompetence is eventually ferreted out.
Fox News’ Chris Stirewalt writes today that, “On the heels of a scathing Senate Intelligence Committee report on the State Department’s handling of the 2012 terrorist attack on an American outpost in Benghazi, Libya, a new Fox News poll shows Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is getting the blame from voters. The poll finds 60 percent of respondents blame Clinton for what happened, with 28 percent blaming her “a great deal.” Even among Democrats, 41 percent blame the former Secretary for the security failures that led to the deaths of four Americans.”
Additionally, “The poll also finds 49 percent of respondents feel the Obama administration’s use of doctored talking points in the aftermath of the attack was intended to shield the president politically in the midst of his re-election campaign. Twenty-two percent said the talking points were simply a mistake, while 19 percent said it was a virtuous deception intended to protect American interests. Fifty-nine percent blamed President Obama for failing to prevent the attack, including 38 percent of Democrats.”
So, what the polling indicates is that for both the incumbent and Slick Willy’s wife, despite all the talk, hype and bluster, the truths are continually piling up. Which means that except for their hardest core constituents, these two top Dem’s are primarily talking to themselves.
That’s it for today folks.
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