Wednesday, January 29, 2014


After watching several news recaps and reading quite a few articles on-line regarding the State of the Union message last night, it’s likely that just about all in attendance, except for one, would have gladly given up their place in trade for mine. I was fast asleep in bed, thankfully missing the entire thing.

Charles Krauthammer said that “upon hearing an excerpt ahead of the president's State of the Union speech Tuesday, "you would think that's the campaign speech of someone running against Barack Obama.

Obama is indicting the four years, the five years he's been president," Krauthammer said. "He said, 'the rich have done well, everybody else has stalled, and inequality has increased.' Well, the four years, the five years are his years. So essentially he's saying, 'my job now is to undo what I've done and the five years of my presidency.'"

As for me, while having no interest in the incumbent’s daily stream of gibberish, I was nonetheless curious about his handling of two subjects I mention frequently; the health care tax and global warming. 

Chris Stirewalt of Fox News on-line wrote: “But President Obama barely found time to mention his law in his State of the Union address for this, the year when it is actually going into effect. Obama was more than 40 minutes into his speech before he even mentioned what he called “insurance reform.” Now, political wisdom dictates that one not needlessly remind voters of unhappy events, but the magnitude of ObamaCare and its centrality to his legacy would seem to demand at least a defense of the troubled law. Instead, Obama riffled through his 2012 talking points about uncontroversial provisions, ignored the central aims of the law, skipped his administration’s pratfall of a rollout entirely and fudged again on the numbers.”

So, the cornerstone of his legacy got short shrift because even he knows by now that it’s a total disaster. However, although he’d like the subject to go away altogether, voters in November aren’t going to forget the damage wrought upon them.

And then, the reports that “During the State of the Union, President Barack Obama stated that global warming is a “fact” and that the science was settled. But Obama’s remarks ignore the fact that global temperatures have not significantly risen in 17 years.

“The shift to a cleaner energy economy won’t happen overnight, and it will require tough choices along the way,” Obama said. “But the debate is settled. Climate change is a fact. And when our children’s children look us in the eye and ask if we did all we could to leave them a safer, more stable world with new sources of energy, I want us to be able to say, ‘Yes, we did.’”

His speech came on a cold winter’s night of 18 degrees Fahrenheit with wind-chill, according to the Weather Channel. His climate warning government climate data showed that the so-called “pause” in global warming continued through 2013.” 

In conclusion, then, it seems very strange that someone who’s supposed to be leader of the greatest nation in the world can be so consistently wrong and still have the gall to flout monumental mistakes as if they were successes. 
But if you take the title of yesterday’s address literally, the State of the Union itself is actually extremely good. Because shackled as it is by incompetency at the top, it’s still slowly growing despite how hard the incumbent continually tries to kill it.

That's it for today folks.


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