Spending significant time researching the news each day, leads to acute awareness of most major issues affecting the nation here and abroad. In that regard, it’s truly incredible, yet true, that the while the current administration is almost invariably wrong in its decisions, it still finds ways to do further damage. And today, another example's arisen.
On Tuesday, the incumbent will deliver the State of the Union address to whoever chooses to listen. However, what’s most interesting is that, according to thehill.com/homenews, “The address will include a “healthy dose” of the income inequality message the White House has focused on in recent weeks, according to one senior administration official familiar with the text.”
However, here again it‘s apparent that relatively few people even care about the subject, and those that do don’t seem to have a problem with it.
In that regard, “A new Fox New poll shows a possible disconnect between President Barack Obama and voters on what the president says will be the top priority for the rest of his term: reducing income inequality.
The poll finds that only a small minority of voters (13 percent) thinks the government should do something about the fact some people make a lot more money than others. A 62-percent majority is okay with disparities in income “because that’s just how the economy works.” Another 21 percent say income inequality “stinks,” but still think the government “shouldn’t get involved.”
So, just like the health care tax, government interference in this area will probably lead to countless negative results, unworkable solutions and more stifling legislation. And in that particular case, according to the New York Times in 2012, the Census Bureau said 15.4 percent of people were uninsured, down from 15.7 percent in 2011.Which means that almost 85% of the population was doing fine until the incumbent decided to disrupt both the market and their coverage.
Consequently, if the incumbent truly wants to turn the economy loose, stimulate hiring and significantly increase employment, there a few things he could announce in his upcoming speech of the day. Opening the Keystone pipeline, reducing the EPA by 90%, replacing the IRS with a flat tax, significant deregulation, repealing the health care tax altogether, and him going back to Hawaii to play golf for the next three years. But, since that would be good for the nation, these things would never occur to him.
That's it for today folks.
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