Writing these entry’s for quite a long time now, a significant number of them naturally involve the incumbent because of the position he holds, no other reason. In fact, if he weren’t POTUS, I doubt I’d be aware of him at all.
Nonetheless, whereas I do pay close attention to his performance, the question often crosses my mind about why anyone having an iota of sense, except for those personally or politically gaining from a relationship, could possibly support him in any way whatsoever.
I propose this not out of animosity, political bias, or personal inclination, nor with any particular goal or specificity, but simply based on his performance to date. Because, to my knowledge, almost everyone having voted for him has been let down, disappointed, misled, used or abused by now. The vast majority of executive decisions have been based on personal image or gain, rather than sincere, effective attempts at problem solution or sustaining improvement for constituents, much less citizens as a whole.
In that regard, it seems that most decisions are not only based far more on appearance than substance, but preferably avoided if any kind of political or personal risk is involved. Consequently, each disappointment in performance, of which there are many, has had scapegoat involvement, usually his predecessor or the Republican house.
However, today’s item involves an issue that even for a consummate avoider of responsibility and alibi specialist, seems so far over the top, it’s hard to believe anyone, much less one holding the position of POTUS would stoop to employ it.
According to Harriet Alexander of the UK’s The Telegraph, among many others, writes about the situation in Syria.
In an article titled, “Barack Obama on Syria: 'It's not my red line – it's the world's red line,“ she reports that “Barack Obama has said that the international community's credibility is at stake over Syria, as he laid out his reasons for wanting to launch a military strike against President Bashar al-Assad.
Now, critics on the right say, he must respond to an alleged chemical weapons attack outside Damascus by the Syrian regime that Kerry said killed more than 1,400 people or lose credibility.”
However, coming back to my point, while the incumbent brazenly points to “the world’s red line,” trying to shift response responsibility away from himself, his record clearly proves something else entirely.
As reported on CNN in August 2012, the incumbent stated: “A red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus."
So, once again, facts refute the babble as they usually do regarding this administration. Which brings me back to my point and the question of how anyone, even dyed-in-the-wool leftists, could still support this non-caring politico proven time and again to be only out for himself.
Despite the preceding, however, an article on FoxNews.com notes that there are some actually benefitting from the incumbent’s health care tax.
Lee Ross writes that investors, lawyers, consultants, and tech experts are among those reaping a windfall from the legislation,primarily because it’s so complex and difficult to deal with, a fortunes being made providing expert help.
Here’s a link to the interesting facts: OBAMACARE WINDFALL Lawyers, Investors, Others Make Gains Off Health Law
That’s it for today folks.
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