On Wednesday, I mentioned several left-leaning contributors whom frequently appear on Fox News, providing alterative viewpoints to the network’s generally conservative slant. The point was my sense that quite often the argument’s presented by those in opposition are done simply as if disagreement itself is the objective, even if what’s presented by them is illogical or makes no sense at all.
The name Kirsten Powers was on my list, whereas she often appears to argue against conservative views.
In that regard, I happened to see her yesterday on Sean Hannity’s show where she was debating Pat Buchanan on the subject of the imminent health care legislation, about to take effect on October 1st.
Buchanan’s theme was the growing number of elements of the legislation that cannot be implemented, either because they’ve proven to be inoperable, unwieldy, unthought out, impractical or are simply unfair. His suggestion was rewriting the act itself, or delaying implementation until the imperfections can be repaired or ruled out.
Ms. Powers, on the other hand, kept insisting that no judgments of the laws effectiveness could be made now, because implementation hadn’t taken place yet. Therefore the only way to determine how the legislation works is to employ it, faults and all.
To me, this argument ranks equally with that of Nancy Pelosi’s original premise that if you want to know what's in the law, pass it.
I mention this subject again today because I believe it represents more than just a differing opinion on legislation. What it illustrates to me is an immature, uneducated, irrational point of view based upon politics alone. Because what Ms. Powers perceives is an argument founded on differing ideological views, while the real issue is a law effecting the health care needs of virtually every citizen in the nation which at the moment simply doesn't work and likely won’t in the future.
Consequently, the objective should be to fix it first or throw it out, not saddle the nation with horrendous problems simply because of political positioning. Which brings me back to Wednesday’s point of how oblivious to common sense or unconcerned about their lack of intelligence folks like Ms. Powers have to be to willingly sound like total dolts on national, prime time TV.
Along the same lines and further proof of the new laws flaws, according to the Wall Street Journal: via Fox News: “The Cleveland Clinic, cited by President Obama in his health care law pitch, will fire 3,000 employees and cut $330 million from its budget, due to ObamaCare. Touting the then-stalled bill in 2009, Obama visited the Cleveland Clinic using it as an example of a system that worked well because “patient care is the number one concern, not bureaucracy.”
The clinic is the largest employer in Northeast Ohio with about 39,000 workers and is now blaming ObamaCare after it was forced to cut $330 million from its budget. A spokeswoman for the clinic said the clinic is being forced to cut back to prepare for increased costs and decreased revenue under the health care reform law.
As for the incumbent himself, four years ago he said, “The Cleveland Clinic is an example of health care that "works well. And part of the reason it works well is because they've set up a system where patient care is the number-one concern, not bureaucracy, what forms have to be filled out, what do we get reimbursed for. And those are changes that I think the American people want to see.”
However, now it’s four years later, and employees at the clinic say they are worried they won’t be able to provide patients care at all anymore if they are laid off.”
Additionally, also according to the Wall Street Journal: “More glitches for ObamaCare. The government's software can't reliably determine how much people need to pay for coverage, according to insurance executives and people familiar with the program... If not resolved by the Oct. 1 launch date, the problems could affect consumers in 36 states.”
So, here we are one day closer to the worst piece of legislation ever enacted. And through it all, the same theme keeps recurring. For this administration politics trumps every other aspect of life, which is why they’ll go full speed ahead when it’s more than likely even they know what a disaster they’ve created.
But I think they’ve made a huge mistake. Because there's almost no doubt the law will be a major disaster that in time will fall apart at the seams. Which means the majority of the voting public will remember the debacle for years to come. Consequently, the incumbent’s short term gain will cost his party long term losses they may never recover from.
That’s it for today folks.
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